Chapter Eight

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Song - "Daddy Issues : The Neighbourhood"

We had finally devised a plan that required the setting of the high school. Deena wasn't speaking to me and neither was Sam. I didn't care that Sam wasn't talking to me, but Deena was killing me. She was my best friend and I ran my mouth off a bit too much. Fuck.

    Any who, the plan was simple. Lure the killers into the bathroom with a trail of Sam's blood and set it ablaze. Easy enough...right?

    Simon brought us all clothing from the lost and found to change into. We couldn't have any of Sam's blood on us if we wanted to live to see another day. Kate and Josh went into one bathroom to get changed while Deena and Sam went to another room. I decided to follow Simon to get changed. Maybe this would be a chance to clear the air before either of us died tonight — god forbid.

    I followed after Simon into the bathroom as he whistled. When he realized I was there, his whistle ceased and his expression changed. "Look, I'll leave, but I just wanted a chance to talk."

"You have two minutes."

"Thank you-"

"A minute and fifty-eight seconds"

    I took a deep breath before starting, "Why did you save me? When we were in the woods and Thomas Slater was running towards pulled me away. You could've let me die, but you didn't. After everything that I've done, why?"

"You may be a shitty girlfriend, y/n, but you're also one of my best friends. I wasn't gonna let you die for that." It relieved me to know that he still considered me his friend. That is all I ever wanted.

    "I'm so sorry, Simon." I cried. I couldn't deny my feelings for Nick, but at the same time, I felt so guilty for betraying my friend. He took me into his embrace and rested his head on top of mine.

My tears stained his shirt as he whispered, "It's ok...I'll always love you." He then placed a kiss on my head. "C'mon, we need to get changed."

    I felt as though a great deal of weight had been taken off my shoulders, knowing that Simon could forgive me was enough to put my mind at ease. We checked each other for blood until we were both ready to meet up with the others. But before we could leave the room, he stopped me for a moment.

"Are you sure about Goode?" He asked with an expression that told me he truly cared about me. He wanted to make sure I was making the right choice.

"Where's this coming from?"

"I don't know...I just...I just have a bad feeling about him."

"He's a sheriff and you're a drug dealer, that's kind of a given." I smiled as I gave him a playful pat on the back before leading us both out to the rest of the group. We waited for a while until Josh and Kate emerged from the bathroom with a questionable look on their faces. Simon and I shared a look that we were both thinking the same thing.

"Calm down." Kate dismissed. "It was barely first base."

    Then Deena and Sam came out from around the corner together with the same look Kate and Josh had.

"Did you...all go to pound town?" Simon asked before both of us bursted into laughter.

    We then began putting the plan into action. Props were put into place, gasoline was poured, and Sam's blood was laid out accordingly. Sam would be waiting in the bathroom until the right moment. Then, when the time was right, she would crawl through one of the vents, back to us before we lit the bathroom up. When everything was ready, we all took our spots. We all had our own hallway to monitor. Once we saw a killer, we would run to the doors of the bathroom to know that everything was a go. I waited and waited by myself until I heard those loud footsteps. It was him...Slater.

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