Chapter Eleven

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I left Nick a note telling him where I was, should he wake up and I'm not next to him in the morning. I rode my skateboard all the way back to Deena's house where I found her and Josh pulling out of the driveway. They quickly stopped when they caught a glimpse of me. Deena opened her door to scream, "Get in!"

I didn't think twice before hopping into the back seat. "What's going on?"

"We're gonna go visit C. Berman." Josh explained.

"Wait- what?! Why? And where's Sam?"

"She's in the trunk"

"What?!" With that remark, I heard a commotion come from the trunk. I guess they really weren't lying. "I thought we fixed things?!"

"According to C. Berman...we didn't fix anything"

"Wait- she got back to you?"

"Yeah, right before Sam stabbed me."

"Holy shit-" Welp, I guess this nightmare is a never-ending story in itself.


    When we arrived at C. Berman's house, everything was locked. Maybe she wasn't home? But Deena wasn't going to give up, she told Josh to look for another way in around the front while we looked around the back. This was my chance.


"Not now." She brushed off.

"Yes now. Look, I just wanna talk."

"Talk about what? That you tried to kill Sam twice last night for your own benefit?"

"I know I did some pretty shitty things last night, but I was scared and I still hated her for what she did to you."

"You don't think I know that? We were all scared that night, y/n. But you have to understand that I love her."

I wanted to cry. I just wanted my best friend back. I had already lost so much...I couldn't lose her too. "I know that now and...I'm sorry."

"Whatever" she sighed. "Here, give me a boost. I think that window's open."

"You can't be serious. Deena, this is breaking and entering-"

"You want to make things up? Help me save Sam." She scolded.

I did as she said and helped her through the window until she was grabbed by someone inside. "Deena!" I screamed.

    She began to panic and yell out about how we called her and who she was. When she explained all of that, the woman said, "Why the hell would you come here?"

We were quick to take her to the trunk where Sam was. This was the first time I was seeing her since I drowned her last. She was all tied up and appeared possessed. Holy shit-

Berman didn't like this one bit. "No, no, no! You need to leave! Right now! You have no idea what you are doing!" She said as she began to walk back to her house. Deena quickly ran to stop her.

"Wait! Yeah, exactly. You are the only person who knows what we're dealing with."

"I don't want that thing near me. Get that car and "it" off my property."

"Her name is Sam." Deena pleaded. "You could have watched us dead on the six o'clock news, but you didn't. You called us back."

"I can't help you with this!"

"Please" I begged as I stood before her.

Her eyes filled with guilt as she looked over me. It almost seemed as if she knew me, or as if I resembled someone from her past. She sighed, "Just keep her away from my dog."

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