No work

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Tears pooled in my eyes. How can someone be so rude? I had spent hours making his favorite food and he didn't even bother to spare a glance, much less eat it. Anger flooded through my veins as I saw him walking back into his room. It felt as if we are two strangers living under one roof. 

My appetite died and I stomped back to my room. His every action was making me feel as if I have been imposed on him. Did he not agree to marry me willingly? Of course, he did. 

So far he has made it obvious that he has no interest in me and we are not going on any honeymoon either. So, I decided to start going back to work. I am an interior designer by profession and have been working with a leading company. I called my boss and told her about my plans. She was, of course, surprised by my request of joining this early but I made up an excuse. She agreed without prodding any further. She is strictly professional and that is what I like the most about her. Once that sorted, I laid on my bed and waited for sleep to consume me as I had an early shift. 

The next morning, I woke up at 8. Got myself showered and dressed before coming down. Grace was in the kitchen but what made me halt my steps was the sight of the man sitting behind the dining table. Mr. Alexender Knight in all his glory. He didn't notice me coming as he was busy brooding. Nothing unusual. I walked past him to the kitchen to tell Grace to make a quick breakfast for me as I was about to leave for work in ten minutes.

I came back into the dining hall and pulled a chair next to his. He continued scarfing down his food without acknowledging my presence.

"Good Morning," I said with a smile

His hand stopped mid-air for a fleeting second before getting work to work. And no. He didn't even spare me a quick glance much less respond. Why am I even surprised.

Grace came with my tray full of fruit salad and coffee.  

"Thank you," I beamed at her.

"If you'll wait, I can make you french toast real quick," Grace told me 

"I would love to. But I am really getting late," I responded

She smiled and retreated back to the kitchen.

"Late. You are going somewhere?" Alex asked me while sipping on his black coffee and reading something on his phone. 

"Yeah. I am going office," I responded. That definitely caught his attention as he looked up at me before returning his gaze back onto whatever he was reading. 

"Who gave you permission for that?" he sipped again on his coffee. Looking as calm as ever. 

"Sorry?" I asked, hoping that I misheard him

"Oh yeah, you should be. Now, who gave you permission to work?" he asked again. This time leveling me with his cold stare.

"I don't understand. Why would I need someone's permission to work?" I asked confused and slight irritated

"You do. You need my permission. And I forbid you. You are not going to work anymore," he announced his verdict with the usual expressionless face before standing up and turning around to leave.

"Why?" I stood up and asked his back

"Because I said so," he said and started to walk

"No. This is unfair. I can't leave my job. That's not just a work for me but also my passion," I explained that made him halt mid-stride.

This time he turned around and fixed me with a cold glare.

"What makes you think that I give a fuck about your passion and fantasies. I told you that you won't work from now on which means you won't," he said

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