The New Head

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Make no assumptions. My heart was going crazy inside my chest when I uttered those words. Oddly enough, releasing those words made me feel liberated. I didn't know what was his reaction as I didn't turn around. I was pretty sure though that my confession had met with a scoff but I needed him to know this. I needed him to know that people care about him. That I care about him. 

People who knew regarded me with a gentle smile and those who didn't know eyed me cluelessly. I smiled at them too which they returned with their own. The office certainly had a positive vibe. I liked it. 

When I came back, I saw Alex was engaged in a conversation with his secretary. 

"Good Morning, ma'am," she smiled and greeted me when she caught my sight. I smiled and wished her back while placing his black coffee on the table in front of him. Unlike his secretary, he didn't look pleased to see me here. Quite the opposite. Ignoring his scowl, I made myself comfortable on the couch whereas his secretary told him about his today's schedule. I utilized my time by studying his cabin.

My nose crinkled in displeasure as I found his room rather bland. America's most sought-after business tycoon's office consisted of Some motivational quotes from world leaders, a few abstract paintings hanging on the plain grey wall, and some antiques. I had never seen an office as plain as his. My hands were itching to give a makeover to his cabin. Too bad he would never let me. 

"Call Shirley to my office," he commanded his secretary who nodded and strode out. 

"Nice office you got here," I commented. Sarcasm dripping from my voice. He didn't take note of that just like he didn't take note of my comment altogether. 

A minute later, A bespectacled woman probably in her early thirties came in.

"You asked for me, sir,"  Alex raised his head and nodded towards the chair. The woman got the message and slipped into a chair across from him. 

Alex cleared his throat before speaking as if something was stuck in there. I knew what was that. His ego. I rolled my eyes.

"Umm, Shirley she is Crystal, My wife. Crystal, she is Shirley, the head of our design business," My heart blossomed when I heard my name from his mouth. This was the first time I had heard him saying my name.  It sounded so special and precious. I had never loved my name this much before. 

"Crystal?" I snapped out of my euphoria when he called my name again.

I got up from the couch and walked up to Shirley who already had her green eyes on me. 

"Nice to meet you," I smiled and held out my hand. 

"Nice to meet you too," she stood up and shook my hand. 

"Take a seat," Alex abrupted our conversation. Never mind. We were going to have a lot of conversations in the future. And maybe gossips too. I already knew who was going to be the main subject of our gossips. Anyway. I settled myself over in a chair. 

" Crystal holds years of experience in interior designing with a leading design company. So, she'll be heading our design branch from now on. You'll be reporting to her. I want you to acquaint her with every small and big detail of our business," the strain in his voice told me how much he was struggling from inside to let those words out. It was fun.  

"Crystal, go with her," he told me without looking my way. I nodded and left with Shirley. 

She told me that the name of his interior designing business was Di Classe Decor. Shirley introduced me to the team that sat on a different floor. They all welcomed me with a warm smile and open heart that made me a little less nervous. I had been told by my former boss that I would make a good leader now it was time to put that theory to test.  

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