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Marcus pov:
This can't happen! It just can't!!! For five short minutes I was happy, ecstatic even. But yet the cruelty of my existence yet again showed her ugly face by making my wonderful mate leave. I was just about to shut myself down as Demetri started to shake me vehemently and instructs me to hurry up. Which I did! He is just as devastated as I am, but he seemingly has a plan and he also is the best tracker out there! With that in mind I follow his lead and run towards the airport, calling my brothers while running to inform them that we just found and then lost our darling mate. Sure enough they arrived only a few seconds after us.
„You stay here, Heidi is already in to see if she can find her. I also told her to send me the link to their." he explains and gets interrupted by a loud ding coming from his phone.
„There! Here are the feeds of the security cameras. See if you can find her on them." aro says and hands his phone over to me. Demetri right away scoots closer so he can look along.
„There!" he suddenly shouts out and makes me look closer where sure enough my sweetheart is standing in front of the ticket booth.
„I asked the Stewardess by the tickets and she told me that your mate asked for the next possible flight which was New York. Apparently the plane already finished the boarding and is waiting on the starting ramp for their clearance which they will get in a minute top." Heidis voice echoes through Caius phone. At hearing that Demetri and I both lift our heads to look towards the plane in question where surely enough our mate is sitting in. As if she feels out boring eyes on her, she turns around and gasps in shock of seeing us. Still her mesmerizing green eyes stay on us no matter what she might be thinking. The cuts and bruises all around her face make me anxious! No wonder she ran away and panicked like that without any real reason. Someone must of hurt her really badly and I am going to make sure I will make whoever's life a living hell before killing him all together. When I see her eyes fill with tears and her cut open lip tremble I would do absolutely everything to be able to hold her. Be there for her and tell her that she is safe now. That she won't have to worry about anything ever again and that I love her. Sadly that's when the plane starts to roll and not long afterwards lifts into the air to fly away with my very reason to life along with it.
„I will call Carlisle. He is the closest friend we have in America. Hopefully he can look out for her and keep us posted where she is heading to so we can follow her and get her back to the two of you." Aro softly says. Like always a few steps ahead of me and already a plan in place.
„That sounds like a good Plan." i whisper as i still look after the plane my sweetheart took to flee whoever hurt her like that, of that I am sure.
„Would you guys like to know her name?" Heidi asks Demetri and I with sorrow filled eyes. We truly are like a family, so it's only understandable that everyone around us is grieving along with us.
„Yeah." Demetri croaks out. His voice so hurt and devastated as well.
„I would love to know our tiny mates name." he adds after clearing his throat, still he doesn't sound any better than before. And to no wonder to be honest, our mate is a part of us, so losing your mate, even if it's just temporarily, kills us. Very slowly yet the more painful. I take one of his hands in mine, needing to show him that we are in this together and not alone. The thankful look he sends me says it all. We obviously need each other more than ever!
„Adriana Sugarka, thats her name." Heidi softly says and squeezes both our hands in reassurance that we will get our mate back. And I can only hope and pray that that's the truth, because I won't survive another lost mate.
„While I call our dear friend for help, why don't you guys try to find the very reason our dear Adriana felt the need to leave?" Aro asks into our round, surely knowing that Demetri and I will need to make whoever pay for what our mate was put through.
„I will accompany them as well brother. By seeing how her face looked I want to make sure they get treated as they deserve. No one messes with any of our families mates without finding out how cruel vampires can truly be." Caius exclaims and nearly hisses in the end. Demetri and i simply nod our heads in appreciation, my brother always had the best ideas how you can punish someone. He tends to be extreme at times, but that's exactly what that being deserves and more!
„I think I already know where she has been staying at." Demetri sighs after nodding once more towards Aro who has already his phone by his ear to ask one of our oldest friends for help. We ran all the way back to where we have been talking with our sweet mate, before Demetri starts to lead us a bit further up to the right.
„She must of climbed down the tree. I heard it rustling before but I didn't realize who it was until seconds later." he states and jumps towards the window that is slightly ajar. One of the tree branches also seems to be close enough to it where someone, namely my mate, would have been able to climb onto.
„The stench isn't a good sign." Alec quietly says what we all have been thinking. The smell of my sweethearts blood however overshadows the stench that seems to be coming from a man lying passed out on the couch opposite of the door. The rage that is boiling in me gets even more as I see the door keys draped around his neck and some dried blood still on his knuckles and shoes. Oh he is going to regret ever getting born into this world, of that I along with Demetri will make sure! Not to forget our family that surely also will love a go with this worthless thing!
„Let us just take him to our dungeon. It would be to easy to allow him to wake up in a familiar setting, don't you think?" Caius says. After a few second of contemplation I agree with him, we also can't be to loud here without alerting everyone around this area, so taking him along is the way to go.

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