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Adriana's pov:
When I slowly get my surroundings clear, well at least my hearing, many voices float in my Head all at once. Overwhelming me quit a bit, especially since I dont know what happend and why I am yet again Not able to fully wake up. That confusion however changes slithly when I Start to Make out Carlisle voice. He keeps on telling someone about my condition and also that i would surely appreciate some company. Which, Let's face it, i definitiv would! I never liked the feeling Of beeing alone. Maybe thats because I have been alone for so many years now, at least i wouldn't count my fathers presence as company. Still I am irritated on whats going on. When I hear Marcus deep voice thought, I suddenly feel a jolt go through my whole body. My heart souring at his terrified tone. Why does he sound like that? Did someone hurt him? Has something happened to him or his family? Demetri also sounds as if he is in pain. So what is going on here? The last thing I remember is that those two attacked carlisle who only meant to help me along with another one that I didn't know. Yet carlisle is comforting them? So what am i missing? Shouldn't he run for his life instead of sounding so calm and be there for those two? And why am I also so worried for their well beeing when I still remember how much they terrified me Not that Long ago. None of this makes any sense! And on Top of that makes my head hurt from all the thinking.
„Adriana? You with us already?" carlisles soothing voice questions as a cold hand softly lays on top of my left foot. Still it instead of sending me into a panic like I expected it to, it calms my overwhelmed thoughts and my heartbeat also slows down quit a bit.
„There you go. No Need to panic, everything is perfectly fine, dear." carlisle softly states with such reassurance that there is no doubt left in my head that something might be wrong. Still, how comes that just a simple touch from a pretty much complete stranger calm me down like that? Is it really simply because Carlisles was this sweet to me on our plane right to Forks? Is it because he helped me and even operated on me to Save my life? Or is it something completely different? And of so, that what is it?
„You ripped open some stitches on your liver, thats why you had to go through another surgery. We however are pretty certain that you will make a full recovery in no time." he simply keeps talking and further explaining to me what went down after i lost consciousness.
„So please try to relax and rest some more. You will see nothing will happen to you. I promise." Carlisles ends with only truth in his voice. Still pretty unsure on how he can be so certain on that, I beliefe him anyway. At least I feel safe and sound, so I guess there truly is no reason for me to keep on stressing myself out. With that decision made, I let myself fall back into a deep sleep. The last thing i feel are two hands that each take one of mine in theirs and make me feel even safer.

Marcus pov:
I cant believe that my sweet princess once again came regained consciousness that quickly after getting out of such an intense surgery. Even Carlisles looks completely shocked about that fact. Yet he simply smiles softly at my sweet mate and starts to Talk to her with such care that my heart hurts. That is exactly the way she should get treated. He gently touches her left foot and her heartbeat right away slows down even more. Alone by that anyone could see how delicate this little angel truly is as well as how love starved she seems to be. Well, that has to change and very quickly as well. The moment Carlisles told her to rest some more, is the second I without even thinking about what i am doing, grab one of her hands in mine. This small contact right away makes me smile brightly at the Love of my life, especially when a small smile forms on her kissable Lips. My eyes automaticly find Demetris, who just like me, holds her other Hand and smiles lovingly at our perfect Little mate.
„I will leave the three of you alone for a bit. If you however should Need me, dont hesitate to push the Call button or shout out to me." Carlisles softly informs us. His eyes shining in joy as he watches the three of us.
„I really am happy for the both of you for finally finding your mate. And congratulation on this sweet sunshine." he says shortly before he closes the behind himself while I only look shocked at his statement. An even wider smile forms on my lips while my eyes fill with tears.
„He is right, you know?" i whisper towards a teary eyed Demetri.
„We truly are unbelievable lucky that we found our little angel as we did." i further say as i carefully caress her soft cheek while simply watching this perfect and strong woman that had it extremly tuff till now.
„I know. Looking at her now makes all the pain and loneliness vanish into nothingness. And even if I had to go all of that again, I would do it in a heartbeat if it gets me to our princess." Demetri replys in complete honesty and to be honest, I completely agree to this statement. She is more than worth all of the grief, sadness and pain I along with him had to go through.
Just looking at her peacefully sleeping face makes everything worth it!

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