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Demetri's pov:
It was not hard for me to envision how much Marcus is going to growl and threaten as well as demand, what he is expecting his brothers to do with Casper and his followers.

Just like I knew the very second he has growled at me for belittling myself, that I will have to tell him what went down for so long now and what he will do afterwards.
What however warmed my heart for this wonderful mate of mine was as he simply embraced me while telling me over and over again how much he loves me and how he loves me because I am the way I am! Which at first sounded so wrong in my head but when he asked me if I love him any less because he wasn't the standard vampire as well, my heart nearly broke in hurt that he would think like that. But of course it only was his way of showing me how my thinking makes no sense and I kind of agree with him after realizing it myself.
So after he held me and calmed me down he send me back in bed with my princess who right away latches onto me the second my body laid down next to her. Marcus who has watched this also smiles lovingly at the both of us as well as kisses our foreheads and once again whispers one more time that he loves me against my ear as my heart explodes in joy and love for having him as my mate.
Just as the door falls shut behind him, I can feel how the room starts to glister with electricity that surely comes from said mate of mine. I after all know exactly how strong and powerful Marcus truly is. While others only know from his gift of seeing bonds, his brothers along with him stayed quiet about his gift of electrocuting whoever might angers him. The only other ones knowing about it are jane, Alec and Felix as well as Carlisle since he is Marcus best friend. And while this tremendous power he has, at times is absolutely petrifying, I can only feel kind of happy that he is so angry on my behalf since I know that means that I already mean a lot to him and by how he growls at his own brothers I know that I am more important than they are which shocked me more than anything. His growled MINE shakes the whole hospital and wakes up my confused princess. Still she seems completely calm and more than happy that she can cuddle with me. I also am not sure if she can feel the electricity swirling around us, or if she simply ignores it since she can sense my uneasiness.
„It's ok Demetri, I am right here with you." she softly says with her green eyes shining in utter love for me which only gets me even closer to crying. Her tiny hand simply takes mine in hers like it's the most natural thing to do and pats my chest as she pulls me into a comforting hug. This show of open affection feels so unreal to me, yet I don't ever want it to end ever again. Her tiny arms circled around my way bigger body while she keeps on humming some kind of lullaby to me. How can I get such a sweet mate along with another equally loving one who is already completely ready to wreck havoc for me. My heart feels as if there is no way to expand even more, yet those two always are able to fill it with even more love and adoration for them.
„Come. We go get Marcus and then we can all cuddle together." she simply says the second the call ended with another round of guilt dripping.
„Cuddles make everything better, you will see." my sweet little princess states as she slowly guides me towards the bathroom door where Marcus furry is still oozing out of like small shock waves. Her timid knock only makes my eyes sting even more, this must be a huge step of faith for her, yet she does it. She does it because she can feel that I need it. The door gets opened rather fast as Marcus huge form fills out the whole door. Screaming out his whole male dominance that makes me shudder even more in awareness and at the thought alone that this beast of a vampire is my mate now to. He doesn't seem to know what to say as he looks the both of us over as if searching for any injuries. Yet he shortly smiles lovingly at the two of us, before scooping the both of us up in his strong and protective arms. Arms that would do absolutely everything in their power to keep us safe and sound. Which instantly makes me let go of all the pent up stress and worry and instead allow my mates to be there for me. Alone the knowledge that I no longer am alone on this cruel world makes me choke up again, this time however in complete thankfulness that I now have two mates that allow me to be weak at times. Even my princess understood right away, without me needing to say anything, that something was wrong and right away did everything she could think of to make me feel better. I have no idea for how long we were sitting like this. Me hiding my head under Marcus head and our sweetheart hiding under my head as Marcus strong arms are firmly curled around us. He even purred which really helped me calm down some more. I don't even know what exactly got me so worked up. Was it the fear that my other two masters won't care that they put me through hell? Or was I more worried that Casper might shout out to everyone that I in fact am a submissive instead of a dominant? Maybe I was afraid some of them would get away from the Volturi's and won't ever let me forget that I am a disgrace as they always told me? Marcus slow growl makes me realize that my mate is still hyper aware of our darling and me which surely means he knows that I thought badly about myself again. But I didn't! I swear I only try to figure out what frightened me so much so that I panicked like that! So since he is still slightly growling I lift my head with a shy smile and kiss his lips lovingly only to hide my head right back under his chin. The growling right away stoped which I am very thankful for. After all I never meant to make my mate mad at me.
„Were you worried I would hurt you?" Marcus questions in a whisper so our darling couldn't hear us, yet still is a part of this. My heart clenches slightly that Marcus thinks I would be afraid of him.
„No!" I state strongly, it after all is the truth and I right away feel his shoulders loosen some of his tension.
„I am trying to figure out what triggered me, but I still don't know. Yet I know that I was not at all afraid of you! Quit the opposite, I felt all warm and fuzzy that you were so angry on my behalf." I mumble out slightly embarrassed. That however quickly changes as I can hear the purring get way louder at what I said.
„I am really happy that you protected me and made sure that they are getting punished for what they have done." I whisper softly while once more lifting my head so I can look at him. My princess already fast asleep, so I hold her close to make sure she can keep on sleeping some more. She after all needs all the rest to help her body heal faster.
„You know that I would do absolutely everything for the two of you." Marcus simply states with a loving look in his eyes as he watches us. This statement alone makes butterflies erupt in my whole body while I can feel tears of utter joy and love shoot into my eyes yet again.
„You guys are my mates and therefore you are my absolute everything." he softly adds as he looks me straight in the eyes as a whimper escapes my lips from being overwhelmed with all those happy feelings.
„I love you so much Marcus, just like I love our princess like crazy." I try to say but at the end i more or less whimpered it out. Yet Marcus doesn't seem to have any problem with that. He only caresses my cheek again as a bubble of absolut peace and joy explodes in my mind.
„That's good to know my sweet boy, because I love the both of you like crazy too." he whispers as my eyes widen at him calling me his sweet boy again. It's an endearing nickname I never thought anyone would ever give me. But I also have a feeling that I would hate it from anyone other then Marcus.
„I love you." i only reply and kiss him again as my whole body feels like it's floating from all those wonderful sensations. My princess on my lap and Marcus holding us close while he keeps on whispering praises into my ear.

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