Chapter Fifty-Six

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We decide to go back to the palace first because they'll be quieter than the ones at the nannery that will probably be celebrating. The palace is a long trek away, I fold my arms as we walk over the hill.

"I'll talk to them," Christian says. "Just get whatever you need and I'll meet you at the door."

Most of the humans are already outside, looking out at the sky in confusion. The things that I packed from my cabin were brought here with the others but there's a lot of other stuff that we need to take with us.

"I'll get them to pack up as much as food and water as they can," Christian says. "I'll tell them to hurry. Hopefully we'll be at the nannery in a couple of hours."

I look up to the towers that stretch to the sky. It's so odd not seeing the creatures up there, guarding the palace roof in their hundreds. Everything about this feels odd. We reach the crowd of humans that are waiting for us on the path, I walk right by them as Christian remains behind to explain and tell them to pack up.

I enter the palace slowly, being met with a weird silence. I walk straight to the staircase and I climb it. It's only when I reach the top of the staircase that leads to my bedroom door that I stop.

My hand reaches out for the handle and I open the door. I look inside first, my eyes falling on the table that I ate dozens of my meals on. I enter with my arms folded, feeling a small draught coming through from the hole in the wall that Cain caused. I smile as I remember it and then I look towards my bed, walking over to it slowly.

I run my hands over the dusty covers. Many memories are suddenly in my mind. I smile as I recall the time when I was sick with a virus and Cain made me soup that he tried to force feed me. The memories keep flashing like I'm reliving a long dream. The way he kissed me against it, when he undressed my clothes and our bodies moulded together for the first time. It was magical.

I turn my attention to the shelves and I start grabbing items, packing them into an extra bag that I find in my wardrobe. I spent weeks in this room, trapped and lonely, but in a strange way it always felt a little bit like home.

It suddenly hits me that I am going to leave it for the last time. That I'll never return. This is the one place that reminds me of Cain the most, and losing it is like losing the last connection to him. But we can't stay here. The humans can't stay here. It's tainted by too much loss and pain.

I pack some things from the bathroom and I ready myself to leave. I turn around one final time, stealing one last glance at the prison I am finally free from. "Goodbye," I say.

I join the others outside and we wait for the remainder of the humans to finish collecting all of their things. The joy from their lips is infectious. Some of them are in shock but others are bouncing around and hugging each other excitedly. There are fifty-eight of them all together. There might have been more of them yesterday but I try not to think about that.

"Is this everyone?" Christian says, he places a hand above his eyes as he stares up at the palace windows.

"Yes," an older boy confirms. "It's everyone."

"Follow us."

I swing my bag over my shoulder and I start walking first. They remain a distance behind me but I can't deal with their conversations. They are asking questions like 'where are we going?' and 'how are we going to survive?' and 'where did you guys even come from?'

Some questions we can answer but there are some answers that we're still unsure of. We need to meet with everyone else at the nannery first before we start making plans on moving out of the valley.

We cross the field and I see Jackson waiting for us in front of the door. He shouts into the building before he breaks out into a run. I crash to my knees as he swings his arms around me.

The Bell of Freedom (King and human romance)✔Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin