*-* Chapter 31 *-*

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.:: Aj & Langston at Fridays ::.

::Aj:: I love this place 

::Langston:: me to 

::Waitress:: ( flirty smile ) can I get you anything baby ( talking to Langston ) 

::Langston:: ( don't know that the waitress is flirting with him ) um... yeah can I have coke please 

::Waitress:: ( flirty smiles ) is that all 

::Aj:: ( see what the waitress is doing ) um excuse me I would like to order

::Waitress:: yeah and what will that be ( attitude ) 

::Aj:: 1. for you too loose that attitude 2. stop flirting with him 3. I would love to have a pepsi please 4. step back hoe 

::Langston:: ( chuckles ) 

::Waitress:: fine I'll be back *mumbles* bitch 

::Aj:: ( heard what she said ) oh she is so not getting a tip 

::Langston:: why not 

::Aj:: she was flirting with my man ( covers your mouth ) 

::Langston:: oh so now I'm your man ( smirks )

::Aj:: never said that! ( lying ) 

::Langston:: yeah you did 

::Aj:: no I didn't 

::Langston:: Aj would you like to be my girlfriend?

::Aj:: yeah ( smiles ) 

::Langston:: come here 

::Aj:: okay ( leans in )

::Langston:: ( leans in & kisses you ) 

::Aj:: ( kisses back ) 

.:: 10 minutes later ::.

::Waitress:: ( clearing her throat ) 

::Aj:: ( stop kissing Langston ) is their wrong with your throat cause I think your coughing some hairball cause I think you were sucking your boss dick! ( smirks ) 

::Waitress:: *gasp* here ( storms off ) 

::Langston:: really babe ( laughs ) 

::Aj:: hey she ask for it ( giggles ) 

GoodBye - A Roc Royal Love Story - [ Starring You ] ( Completed ] Book 1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant