22 || Chapter Twenty-Two

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The next night, I have the energy to hang out with Jacqui after dinner. We tour the shops, check out the music in the music store, and try fragrances from the new perfume store. The perfume maker mixes essential oils distilled from flowers grown in our own Martian greenhouse to make some amazing products.

"Since I'm not big on scents, you two have fun," Noah says, so Jacqui and I explore the perfume shop for a few minutes before we go back to collect Noah from the record store.

"I'm craving sugar. Let's get cookies or cupcakes or maybe some of their chocolate amaretto macaroons," Jacqui suggests.

"Cupcakes," I agree.

The three of us take our goodies downstairs to the second floor. Over the glass and the railing, we watch the waterfall rush to the pool below, where it bubbles and surges. These sounds, the pleasant chatter of others all around me, and the gentle breeze of humid air let me forget I'm not on Earth anymore. For a few precious moments, I'm out enjoying time with my friends with no other cares in the world.

"So, are either of you guys doing art class?" I ask.

Noah shakes his head. "Oh, no. I have no artistic talent whatsoever."

"Yeah, neither do I, but what about you, Jacqui?"

Her cheeks flush pink, and she fights a small, self-conscious grin before taking a bite of her red velvet cupcake. "Well, even though it's a really basic class, I'd miss that buzz you get when you put a bunch of creatives together in the same room if I blew it off. Besides, sketching and working with paints and oils is something I've done since forever. So, yeah, I've been going every week."

"That's awesome! Did you have any work appear in the gallery?"

"Yeah, I'll show you." She leads us along the hall and pauses in front of an amazing landscape. Hung in the center of the gallery, her painting brings to life Mars, with the habitat in the foreground and mountains in the distance. The sky glows butterscotch lit with the setting sun.

"Wow, Jacqui, this is your best work yet," Noah breathes.

A blush colors her face again, but I don't have time to dwell on what could have made Jacqui so self-conscious of her incredible talent because a siren wail pierces the peace of the evening.

"It's the emergency alarm!" Jacqui shouts over the din. I cover my ears to block out the sound.

"What's happening?" I ask as the alarm turns staccato for three beats, then stops. "Was it a test?"

"Let's go find out," Noah says. The alarm sounds once more, another three long beats, followed by an announcement.

"Attention all citizens. Report to your apartments. Anyone near the library should turn back and make their way to the auditorium immediately. The area will be sealed off in one minute. Otherwise, remain in place and help will be on its way."

"The library wing? That's where Ian said he was going after dinner," I explain to Noah. My gut churns in worry for Ian, and for everyone else who might get caught in the danger zone. Whoever crashed the shuttle and hacked our training simulation has struck again. Like we'd feared, this wasn't random, and it isn't over. "We've got to go help him, help all of them." What if Ian is hurt and can't get out in time? Maybe others would find themselves trapped there as well and would need our help. We're closer than any rescue crew and can get suited up to volunteer as first responders.

Noah takes off at a sprint. Jacqui and I follow close on his heels, racing down several flights of stairs. I want to take the elevator to get there, but I doubt the elevator runs in emergencies like this.

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