What are the Chances?

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"Where did all your beautiful drawings go?" Kat asked as she took a final look through the dresser drawers to check nothing was left behind.

"Huh?" Damian emerged from the bathroom with a wash bag and his toothbrush hanging from his mouth.

"You had a load of drawings all over this." Kat swept her hand across the dark mahogany desk where the scattered sheets once sat.

"Oh, they're in Rome." He quietly answered as he placed his items in his sporty holdall.

"Oh," Kat muttered to herself as she walked towards the window to take a final look at its breathtaking view.

Damian smiled warmly as he watched her wrap her arms around herself and pensively stare out towards the horizon. "What's the matter, Kathleen?"

"Nothing." She shook her head and turned towards him, offering a half-smile in return to his.

His arched eyebrows gestured to him being unconvinced by her response as he strode across the room to stand behind her.

'Kathleen.' He stretched her name as he softly spoke and snaked his arms around her waist to hold her.

Tilting her head up to look at him she felt herself warm under his gaze.

'You've got that look again like you are overthinking something.' He watched her face in search of any clue as to what she might be thinking.

A soft sigh left her mouth and she gently shook her head before turning her back to him and resting into his chest whilst his arms returned to around her waist.

'They were very good drawings.' She whispered.

'Thank you.' He smiled, resting his chin on her head.

'Do they take you long to do?' She felt him shrug at her question.

'It depends what I'm drawing and how invested I am in it.'

'Do you just draw people and body parts?' Again she felt his body move in response as he shook his head.

'No, not really. The human body fascinates me, so I'd say that's my favourite thing to draw but generally I just draw whatever catches my eye or what makes me feel like I want to draw it.'

'I wish I could draw.'

'You can.' He quickly responded.

Kat forcefully shook her head as she laughed. 'No, I struggle with a stick man.'

'Get outta here.' He joined in with her infectious chuckle. 'Seriously though, anyone can draw but it takes time, patience, practice and an understanding of your own style. Maybe I could show you a few techniques.

'Yeah, that would be cool.' She pushed the back of her head further into his chest as she rested against him.

'Hang on a sec.' He pushed her forward as he let go of her causing her to jolt slightly with surprise.

'What are you doing?' she turned to watch him rummaging through the contents of his black holdall and chuckled slightly as he continuously cursed in frustration.

'Ah, there it is.' He emerged from the holdall holding a brown coloured object. 'Here.' He headed over to the dresser top and placed it down as Kat curiously followed him.

'What is it? She shuffled next to him and eyed the worn leather fabric rolled up in front of her.

'A little something to get you started.' He pulled at the black string that bound it together and rolled it out to expose its contents. 'This one is just on loan till I get you your own, but it'll get you started.'

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