Love me or leave me

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Once inside the sanctuary of her room Kat quickly changed into her grey sweatpants and oversized hoodie before heading over to the sink to wash the sticky tear residue from her face. She stared solemnly into the mirror as the natural daylight highlighted her washed-out complexion and extenuated her dark sunken eyes.
The sound of the bedroom door quietly opening caused her attention to break. Emerging from the bathroom she found Debbie stood in the doorway rubbing at her eyes. Kat's lips trembled again at the sight of her friend, quickly she lost control and dropped her head into her hands just as Debbie's arms wrapped comfortingly around her.
After several minutes of heavy sobs, Debbie guided her over to her bed and pulled back the bulky covers before gesturing for her to get in. Being sure to not let her go she quickly jumped in next to her and pulled the covers over them both, they sat there in silence whilst Kat buried her head into Debbie. The bedroom door creaked open again and Nita's concerned face peered around it, she waited momentarily until Debbie gestured it was ok for her to enter. One by one Joyce, Jayne, Rachel and Natalia filed into the room shortly followed by Gill carrying a large tray of tea and toast. The warming sight of her friends all perched around the bed brought a small feeling of comfort but she couldn't stop her tears from continuing to fall. The women sympathetically looked back and forth between each other, then to Debbie who shrugged just as unaware as they all were as to what had happened. Finally, Joyce broke the tension that was suffocating the room.

"Kat, what's happened, honey?" She reached out and gently rubbed Kats back.

Kat shook her head. "I'm a fucking idiot, I've just sabotaged any remote chance I could have had at a little bit of happiness." She continued to sob as she spoke. "I don't deserve to find someone, I'm a joke."

Everyone looked nervously at each other again not sure who should speak or what they should say.

"Don't be ridiculous Kat, anyone would be super lucky to find you." Nita bravely took the lead.

"Can you tell us what's happened, Kat?" Natalia shuffled further onto the bed and crossed her legs to sit comfortably.

"Here, have this cup of tea." Gill thrust the lukewarm cup in front of Kat who took it obligingly but didn't drink from it.

"You don't have to tell us if you don't want to." Debbie softly spoke as she squeezed her arm.

"Fuck this, yes she does." Jayne snapped from over by the window. "Look at the state of her."

Debbie nearly shot out of the bed but was pulled back by Kat who pleaded with her eyes for Debbie to not to cause a bigger scene.

"Jesus Christ Jayne." Rachel's usually large eyes narrowed into a thin line as she stared across the room to Jayne.

"A bit of tact wouldn't go a miss Jayne." Nita's lips pursed together in disgust.

"It's fine." Kat croaked. "She's right, I can't just have you all here worrying unnecessarily. We'd gone up the hill to watch the sunrise and I just don't know what happened to me, it was like the more nice things he said the more I just kept being like fuck you, and then I just totally freaked out after he said he wanted to see me again when he was back in England. I don't know what happened but I ended up shouting at him and running off leaving him just standing there with this look of pained confusion as I legged it back down the hill."

"Oh, honey." Gills eyes watered as she watched Kat get upset again.

"So he didn't say or do anything to hurt you?"  Rachel softly bit on her bottom lip as she tried to make sense of the situation.

"It's ok to get freaked out by this Kat." Natalia sighed understandingly. "I felt that too, especially the first time I had proper feelings after my divorce. It's normal to..."

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