Girls just wanna have fun

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It took less than 10 minutes to get from the Villa down the winding hill and into the town centre, and due to it being a relatively quiet time of year Joyce had no trouble finding a parking space at the side of the road. One by one the women ungracefully clambered out of the bus, quickly flattening down their tops and readjusting their bottoms as they fanned out onto the empty street like a group of girl scouts awaiting instructions from their leader.

"Oh wow." The words excitedly escaped Kats mouth as she admired the intricate medieval town displayed before her.

"I know, it's such a beautiful place isn't it?" Gill paused to take a picture of Kats illuminated face as she traced the stone carvings with her finger. "It doesn't matter how many pictures you look at, they just never can do the real thing justice." Gill placed an arm around Kat and gave her a gentle squeeze.

Gill, like Nita, was extremely maternal and treated each of the younger members of the group like daughters. Standing at a tiny 5ft 2, every inch of her petite frame oozed light and happiness, and she always found the positive in any situation they found themselves in. Gill playfully turned the camera to selfie mode and took a snap of them both pulling a silly face before moving on to capture a candid shot of an old bicycle next to some roses.

"Right then ladies." Joyce's voice excitedly boomed around the bus as she emerged from the drivers' side. "It's just through here. Follow me." She commanded as she double-checked that the doors to the bus were locked, then marched forward leaving her troupe scurrying behind her.

The group moved in single file through the narrow cobbled street, admiring each quirky characteristic of the houses and buildings they passed, whilst Gill weaved in and out of them snapping away on her large professional camera. The end of the pathway opened out onto a beautiful medieval courtyard complete with a clock tower and brick well sitting majestically in the centre as the shops and market stalls carefully circled them for protection.
Kat scanned her surroundings soaking up every tiny detail of the classic Italian architecture and inhaled deeply as the merging scents of dough, coffee and vanilla filled the warm springtime air.

"Ahhhh there we are." Joyce cheered as she spotted the small supermarket tucked away in the corner and pointed it out to the group. "This way." She charged forward but something a little more interesting had caught Kats attention.

"What you saying?" Kat almost whispered as she nudged Debbie and nodded her head in the direction of a moped hire shop on the other side of the courtyard.

"OH, Abso-fuckin-lutley!" Debbie's eyes widened as she beamed with enthusiasm.

"What's that?" Rachel questioned as she caught Debbies excited response.

"What's the matter?" Nita looked back and forth like a meerkat which now caused the rest of the group to become aware there was something going on.

Kat looked at Debbie, and Debbie looked at Kat making sure that she knew she would be the one to present the suggestion to the group.

"What's happening?" Jayne backstepped to see what the commotion was.

"Oh, it's nothing really..." Kat stuttered over her words. "I- um- I just noticed the moped shop over there, and then Debbie was saying how it was a dream of hers to ride mopeds around Italy." She subtly eyed Debbie who had a painful-looking smile fixed on her face.

Natalia piped up before either could say anymore. "Oh my God... yes..." she clapped with excitement as she spoke. "That would be wonderful, especially for just popping into town, and we wouldn't have to die on that bus. No offence Joyce." She quickly smiled to soften the blow as Joyce emerged through the group looking red-faced and flustered.

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