My backstory

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After dragging alpha dusks body to the trees near the pack house me, my mate, my son and the majority of the alphas pack with me. We stopped at the closest clearing once we had got out of the territory to count our numbers and to send some of the warriors to catch some deer for dinner. We had around sixty pack members to feed so we focused on the old and young member of the pack. Elijah came striding through the younger member of the pack stopping at a few of them until he got to a little girl who was sat by a small patch of flowers. I saw elijah's mouth moving talking to the girl, I wanted to listen in and I know that I could very easily but I didn't want to snoop. "She is an orphan" a voice said behind me. I turned to a side to see Blake looking at the little girl. "Who looks after her then" i asked back rather worried.
"Elijah does he is an orphan too his parents where killed by the alpha for having a hybrid son" I looked back over to see Elijah holding the now sobbing girl in his arms. It made my heart melt he must care so much for this girl. "What type of hybrid is Elijah" I ask him curiously.
"It's not my place to tell, you will have to ask him yourself" he replied staring at the heart breaking scene in front of him, slowly turning away from him I went to talk to some of the warriors that have just returned with 10 large bucks. "wow thanks guys that's a lot of food" I said quite surprised they had found that much. "Yea there seems to be a lot of deer and other animals in the area, there is also a large village about 30 minuet run from here." The head guard said. "What's your name" I asked him just wondering because I will soon need these guys as guards for the place I will live. "My name is mark this is Claus" he said pointing to the guy on his right who had very wary looking grey eyes "and this is Damon" he finished pointing at the rather good looking man on his left "pleased to meet you Madame" he said trying to be cheeky with me, I had to sort this out "why aren't you a cheeky little shit, go and try to hit on a damn slut and not me you little pup." I looked over to Claus and tried to get a word out of him instead of a scary stare "hello I hope you are a little but more polite than that pup over there" I said but he didn't reply. "Claus doesn't talk to new people but he is one of our best fighters and can tell you your past and if you are lying just by your body language he can be a horrible sight to see on a battle field but he has been the most successful fighter in the pack for years" said mark.
"Well then Claus what was my past" I say to him staring into his cold grey eyes, he stays quiet but just as I am about to speak he answers "You were found in a Forrest as a 4 year old and you had no memory of you parents and all you knew was the wilderness, you where sent from foster to foster till you where 15 you started to gain lots of extra senses and your body heat grew but you never went to see a doctor because it didn't hurt. On your 16th you turned but it almost killed you because you went through the shift of four different supernatural who strait away got control of your body but by the time you gained back control you had already killed 400 people your friend who where with you and all there family's but there was nothing you could do by that time what was done was done. You went in to severe depression for months blocking out all you supernatural parts and you almost killed yourself on many occasions but the angel in you kept you alive and the wolf in you kept you strong. On your 19th birthday you finally recovered and went to live with Mary and tommy. You met Blake a few month after moving here and discovered how the alpha abused him and wanted to take him away from it but he said no, so you stayed. During this time you found out from a passing vampire elder that you were the one the prophecy told of and you should go claim you title but you refused because you didn't want to leave Blake so you told your self when You find your mate you would take Blake with you and claim your title . A few months later you met Elijah and here you are now with a new family and a new pack to lead." By the time he had finished I was crying and I felt faint but I couldn't say any thing due to the tears in my eyes and the sobs coming out my mouth but I could see that the whole of the clearing had heard my story and my mate was crying but that was all it managed to see before my eye sight went blurry and I fainted.

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