Case 3 murder at the Circus Part 5

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Month Later everything was back to normal Eren and Levi are together now Levi was reading the Paper when he see the Circus is in town for a couple of night only

Levi -hey Eren the Circus in town you want to go and see the circus

Eren-the circus you want to take me to the circus like a date

Levi -yes the circus in town and I like to take you on a date so Eren Yeager will you go out with me on a date

Eren -yes I would love to go out with you Levi

Eren kiss Levi when Eren felt sick to his stomach he back way from Levi and ran to the bathroom knee in front of toilet throwing up in the toilet levi ran after him and knee beside him rub Eren back

Levi-let it all out Eren and right here am not going no where

Eren-thank you I don't Know what wrong with me one min am fine kiss you the next am here in the bathroom puking and you still want to take me to the circus tonight

Levi-I still want to take you out to the circus if you feel up to it

Eren-you do

Levi-yes and are you feeling any better

Eren-okay and yeah am feeling better now

Eren flush the toilet got off his knees walk over to the sink blush his teeth to get that trash out his mouth both walk out of the bathroom when back in the living room and sit back down on the couch and Levi gave his phone call the number that was in the paper get your tickets for the circus tonight he order the tickets and hang up and look at Eren and said to him

Levi -got they tickets for ther circus and it will be fun just the you and me no one else and more people who be at the circus tonight to

Eren-yes it be a good night just us to have a great time with no cases no nothing

Levi -okay no cases tonight just us

night came Levi and Eren was ready for there date and walk out the door got a taxi both got in the taxi and toll the cab driver where to go

Cabdriver -where to sir

Levi -fairgrounds please that where the circus is at

Cab driver-sure thing sir

and the cab driver drive to the fairground to the circus was at sit back in the cab Levi was hold on to Eren hand Eren look at Levi and smile at him Eren look at the window  and Levi look at the window

Cab driver- so why are you going to the circus

Eren -we was getting cabin fever and am a doctor I work 48 hours week and help this need help on cases to

Cab driver -wait your the Detective Levi Ackerman and his partner Doctor Eren Yeager read lot of your cases you solved especially that case you solved of Mpreg men  the first victim was my son love him for him not been gay when toll me and my wife he was pregnant we was so happy are first grandbaby but now we never get that he was are only child so think you for give are child justice are son

Levi look at him and Eren had tears in his eyes Levi say to him

Levi - your welcome the person who did it is now behind bars for good

Eren-if you don't care what your name if I may ask

cabdriver -it mark jones Doctor Yeager

Levi-Mr Jones am happy that I can give close for your love one for you

when got to fairground the Cab driver stop and turn around

Cab driver Mark- we are here and that be $46.50

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