case 18 the murder of Dr Stone part 17

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Four weeks later Levi and Eren are back on cases so this morning was like every morning Eren was in the kitchen with Baby Tony was in his highchair Levi was still in bed a sleep Eren was fix breakfast when Erwin came in the kitchen Eren look from cooking and see Erwin and said

Eren-good morning Erwin would like some breakfast

Erwin-good morning Eren no thank you but where your Husband at

Levi-right here Erwin what can I do for you on this fine morning

Erwin-we have a case that we need your help with

Eren finish breakfast and sit it on the table stated to feed baby Tony his breakfast and Levi finish up his plate Levi look at Erwin and toll him

Levi-we be there when we are done with breakfast where the case at

Erwin - okay see you there you two

Levi-yes and what the address and we have to see who can watch Tony for us Armin and Krista have something to do today

Eren-i can see if Hanji can watch him she off today

so Eren text Hanji and ask her if she can watch Tony for them to go on this case

Eren text Hanji: hey Hanji Levi and I have a case we have to help on so could you watch Tony for us Armin and Krista would but they got something to do today so they can't

Eren send the text to Hanji

Hanji text Eren: hey Eren sure I would love to watch my little nephew for you two go help on this case

Hanji send the text to Eren

Eren text Hanji:oh thank you Hanji

Eren send the text Hanji

Hanji text Eren: your welcome Eren I see you in 30 min

Hanji send the to Eren

Eren put his phone down and sit down to breakfast Levi look at Eren and ask him

Levi -well is she coming to watch are son or not

Eren-yes she said she been here in 30 min

Levi-okay good

Erwin-I be good now I see

Eren-here take you some breakfast to Erwin

Erwin- no am good thank you Eren

Eren-okay we see you at the crime scene

Erwin walk out of Kitchen when out the door Eren and Levi started to eat there breakfast and waiting for Hanji to get 30 mins later Hanji came up the stairs walk in to the living room and see Levi and Eren ready Hanji said

Hanji-hey you two hey little man how are you doing we are going to have so much fun today is it okay if we go to the park

Levi-yes it fine but we come back and you Experiments on him four eyes you will get it

Eren-okay here is the baby monitor he now for morning nap right now so when he wake you can take him out he sure be back in a couple of hours

Hanji- no go I have nothing to do today so go so something after you solved this case I day to your self go have a date day today you have it been out since he been born so go and solved this case and go have some fun you two

Eren- you sure Hanji

Hanji- yes am sure now go

Levi -okay we are going

so Eren and Levi walk out of the apartment when down the stairs and put on there coats walk out the door and got a text to take them to the crime scene and Levi call a taxi

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