Mr Grisha Yeager come to town Part 20

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it been a couple of days since the case of Missing Billionaire Husband Eren was get Tony ready for the day since it was nice day out Eren going to take Tony to the park when Tony was ready with a clean diaper on Eren pick up Tony up and walk out of the nursery when down stairs walk into the kitchen sit Tony in his highchair to fix breakfast Levi was still in bed asleep so Eren fix pancakes for breakfast downstairs in Mr and Mrs Arlett apartment Krista was fix breakfast for her and Armin when they hear the door bell ring Armin look up at his wife and say

Armin -who could that be

Krista-I don't know it couldn't be Eren he up stairs fix breakfast for him Tony and Levi

so Armin got up from the Table walk out of his and Krista apartment when to the front door and door open it see a man with black hair brown eyes wear glasses in a nice suit and Armin

Armin-can I help you sir

Grisha-yes I hear Eren Yeager live here am Grisha am old friend of his

Armin-okay wait here and I tell him your here

Armin close the door and walk upstairs to his and Levi apartment and knock on the door Eren walk out of the kitchen see Armin and said

Eren-morning Armin what can help you with this morning

Armin-morning Eren noting but there someone here to see you he said he old friend

Eren- a old friend you said


Eren walk over to the window look out the and see the person he didn't wont to see his father.

Eren-Armin that not old friend that Armin is my father and what he doing here

Armin-your father

Eren-let him up but first can you send Krista up here to get Tony I don't wont Grisha to meet his grandson

Armin-sure I can

so Armin walk out of the living room when back downstairs to his Krista apartment and walk in Eren walk into the kitchen got Tony out of the high chair and walk out of the kitchen when back in the living room wait for Krista to come up

Armin-Krista can you come here

Krista-coming Armin

Krista walk out of the kitchen see Armin at the door and said

Krista- Armin what is it

Armin-Eren want you coming up and get Tony

Krista-okay what for Armin

Armin-the person at are front door is Eren father

Krista ran out the door upstairs to Eren and Levi apartment see Eren in the Living room with Tony in his arms

Krista-Armin say your father here and you want to take Tony

Krista ran upstairs to Eren and Levi apartment see Eren in the Living room with Tony in his arms

Krista- Armin say your father here and you want to take Tony

Eren-yes Please I don't want my father to meet his grandson at all I come and get him when he gone


Krista walk over to Eren hand over Tony to Krista she took tony in her arms let Armin to let Eren Father in Krista walk out of the Living room when back downstairs walk into her and Armin apartment Armin open the door and Say

Armin -sorry it took so long Mr Grisha Eren in middle of Cooking breakfast for him and his roommate

Grisha-that okay so where my son at

Armin-oh sorry right upstairs sir

Grisha-thank you sir

Grisha walk in when upstairs Armin close the door and walk into his and Krista apartment Eren was sit in his chair when his father walk in and said

Eren-hello Grisha

Grisha-hello Eren how are you

Eren -cut the crap what do you want

Just thing Levi woke up walk into the kitchen to fix him some tea but Eren said

Eren-Levi your tea is fix and still hot and we have a visitor

Levi-thank you and who the visitor

Levi walk into the living room see Doctor Grisha Yeager in his home

Levi-Mr Yeager am Levi Ackerman

Grisha-i know who you are you are my son roommate

Eren-he  more then that dad he my husband Levi  and  I are married

Levi-yes so what bring you here Mr Yeager on let me guess you want your son to come home and work for you at your Hospital

Grisha look at him and say

Eren-so that why you are here to bring me home to work for you no way am come back with you to work for you

Grisha- yes so go pack your bag we are living

Eren-no am going with you am not have my Husband to come home with you think it time for you to go now

Grisha-fine I see you soon Eren

Grisha walk out of the living room when downstairs and out the door back into Living room and Levi ask

Levi-where is Tony at and are you okay

Eeren-am okay and Tony is with Armin and Krista I have to go get him here just min

Levi-I go get him for us okay

so Levi walk out of the Living room when downstairs Knock on Krista and Armin door Armin walk over and open see Levi AND Said

Armin-hey Levi how was the visit with Eren dad and are you here to pick up Tony

Levi-yeah am here to pick up little man and the visi was uncomfortable for Eren I see it in his eyes

Krista walk to the door with Tony in her arms and hand over Tony to his daddy

Krista-hey Levi is Eren okay little man was good

Levi-he okay he little uncomfortable with his father was have that good that Tony was good for you

Armin-Eren doesn't like his dad at all

Levi-no he doesn't not since he walk out on him when he was young well we better get back upstairs to mama and eat are breakfast

Armin-okay you two see you later

Levi-bye you two

Levi with Tony in his arms when walk back upstairs to there apartment see that Eren was not in the living room was back in the kitchen warming the pancakes look up see Levi and tony back Levi sit Tony back in his highchair both sit down at the table and started to eat there breakfast but deep down both they both know it wont be last they see of Eren dad but one then for sure both of them not let Grisha see there son not let Grisha in any where near Tony Levi will find out what Grisha is hide some where here in the city and Levi will find him and take him down make him stay way from his husband and son for good

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