Chapter 2: The doctor's examination

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The man with a coat was very handsome. He looked very mature and was smiling at you. You were rather intimidated.

-Hello young girl, how are you feeling?

-H-hello... um... I'm alive so i'm okay.

-Do you feel any kind of pain in your body?

-Um... No

-Good, the painkiller is still effective then. My name is Mori Ougai, i'm the person you saved. I also used to be a doctor, so i took care of you in return for what you did for me.

He was offering you his gloved hand for a handshake. You shyly took it, thinking about the fact that he was the one who saw you topless.

-M-my name is (y/n). Nice to meet you.

-Nice to meet you too! I need to thank you. My subordinate is rather unstable. He's not my subordinate anymore now though...

-I'm glad you're okay... um... thanks for taking care of my shoulder... Um...

You couldn't help but stutter and blush. Despite his smile and friendly attitude, Mori was still a stranger for you.

-Um... what happened to the boy who... shot me?

-I made some arrangments for him. He was taken by an organization called the armed detective agency. They seemed interested in him.

-Huh? But he tried to...! Aren't you going to report him? Aren't you scared of him?


The man started to laugh, as if someone who attempted to murder him was an everyday thing to him.

-Hahaha! Oh no don't worry, i'm fine!


You were worried for him. Why wasn't he scared?

-(y/n) i have a question for you, why did you jump on a man with a gun, to save a stranger?

-Um... I was just afraid to see someone die, i guess?

-Is that really enough reason to put yourself in danger?

-I don't think i really need a reason to save someone...

-... Is that so?

He seemed geniunely curious about why a person would save another one without a reason.

-Can i ask you where are we? This isn't a normal hospital, is it?

-You're correct, we're inside the port mafia's clinic, to be more precise, my old clinic.

-The port mafia??! What??

-Hehe, yes, the port mafia!

-Your old clinic? You were from the port mafia? That dangerous organization?

Just thinking about the name port mafia sent shiver down your spine. That dark organisation was filled with murderers and was never good news. You began to feel uneasy about being here, in such vulnerable state.

-"you were from the port mafia" you say? But i'm the boss of the port mafia (y/n)!

He said that with a dark smile. Your mind went blank for a moment.

-You're... The boss of the... port mafia...?

-Yes! Yes i am.


-Don't worry, this clinic is safe.

-Um... Um... I... I think i'll go home...

-Oh no, don't be scared, i'm not going to hurt you!

Mori Ougai x reader "Doctor Mori's Sexual Education"Where stories live. Discover now