Chapter 5: Danger

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You woke up and were now wondering whether you should move out or not. You certainly did enjoy yersteday, and you did like Mori a lot... However that was a dangerous game. He still blackmailed you.

He did keep his words though, because he was very kind like he said he would be. You were so confused.

You went out for grocery shopping, and on your way to the store, you saw a familiar man. You did not realized who he was before he took out a gun and pointed it at your head again. It was Dazai, the man with the dead look in his eyes. He smiled, as if he was mocking you. You were terrifed. He could press the trigger and kill you any seconds.

-Hello, we meet again! Apologize for the first time we met, i was just so mad that you made me fail killing Mori Ougai... You're not very lucky though. I still want to take revenge on Mori. I've heard he took a liking in you... He was always looking at Elise so i thought he was... But turns out he does have good taste in women. Farewell, let's meet again in the afterlife. Any last words?

-W-wait! Please!

-Those are pretty common lasts words. Okay your time is up!

You heard the gun shoot, and you saw a tall and black silhouette in front of you.

It was Mori. He was between you and Dazai. You realized you weren't shot, and that the bullet must have gone through Mori's body. He looked like he was struggling to stand up and you saw the blood slowly cover his back.


-...Dazai-kun, didn't you joined the Armed detective agency?

-Yes, but i don't see the meaning in staying there. I wasn't planning on killing you, i just wanted to make you suffer, you know? But since you're here, i'll just kill you two i guess.

-(y/n), run!

Mori was begging you with his eyes to go. But you didn't want to just leave him to die here!

A little girl with a nurse outfit appeared out of nowhere and forcefully dragged you behing a building, where Dazai couldn't shoot you. She was trying to drag you on a busy street, so you could hide in the crowd, but you were struggling to go back to Mori. That little girl had way too much strenght for a normal little girl.

You heard another gunshot and the little girl disappeared. At the same time, you saw a beautiful woman with a butterfly hairpin run in the direction of the noise.

You decided to follow her, and you saw Dazai looking down on Mori, who looked like he was sleeping in a pool of blood.

The woman screamed:

-You idiot! What are you doing??

-Oh, hello Yosano, i'm just cleaning the town. Can you really blame me? You know who he was and what he did. Oh the girl from before, hello again! OUCH!

Yosano smacked Dazai on the head.

-Dazai, go back to the agency RIGHT NOW!

-Y-yes ma'm!

And Dazai ran away from here.
Yosano kneeled down next to Mori. Without looking at you, she asked:

-Who are you?

-I'm... (y/n)... I... I should call an ambulance...

You said that, but you knew an ambulance would never make it in time.

-I'm Yosano. Don't call an ambulance, he's fine. I have an ability and i healed him already. I don't want to talk to him so i'll leave before he's counscious again. You look worried about him, so i trust you'll take care of him. Goodbye, (y/n).

She left and you ran at Mori. There was still so much blood everywhere that you began to doubt Yosano when she said he was fine. You saw the two holes on his clothes, but there were no holes anymore on his torso.

You took one of his hand with both of your hands and waited. You were so worried that he wouldn't wake up.

After a few seconds of agony where you just waited, he opened his eyes.



You cried and Mori slowly sat down. He hugged you tightly. You hugged him back.

-Thanks for crying for me.

-I thought you were dead!

-I know

-Why did you save me? You just used me like a doll, then and i... *hic*, i... it was just too dangerous!

-(y/n), i'm so sorry, when you rejected me, and you were worried about Montgomery, i was jealous, so i wanted to force you a little. If you felt i only used you like a doll, you're wrong. I really like you... I didn't save you just because i didn't want to see someone die, like you. But i just can't bear the thought of you dying, because i love you.

You looked at each other eyes deeply for a bit. Then Mori approached his face near your face again, and this time, you didn't reject his kiss.


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