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A series of mechanical whirs and gears turning filled the grid of temporary holding cells within The Acropolis. One by one the doors to the cells swung open, revealing the slightly dazed and confused inhabitants.

Stella rose from her cot and stepped into the hall. Her fellow prisoners did the same. Along with Kai and Danai, Mateo—the young shapeshifter—and Bella—the non-Prime captive from their camp—emerged from their cells. Rubbing his eyes, Mateo glared at the guard standing before him.

"Finally," he grumbled. "Was wondering how long you were going to keep us cooped up in there."

The guard wasn't amused. They pointed toward the other end of the corridor. "Fall in line."

"Fall in line," Mateo mocked. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever." He breezed past them and made his way to the others. Stella did the same. She helmed the line of captives as the guards prepared to lead them to the compound's hangar.

She had no intentions of getting on whatever transport Atlas had for them. The Vault wasn't seeing her. She had a plan. And it was going to work.

As she suspected, there were about a dozen guards with them. Two in the front, two in the front, and four on each side. They were all equipped with batons and pistols. No assault weapons. No Jaeger armor. They weren't expecting an escape attempt.

Stella couldn't believe her luck.

She also couldn't help but wonder if their plan was doomed to fail.

General North didn't seem to consider them a threat. Why should he? The ability-nullifying cuffs on their wrists made them virtually harmless. Even with them off, Stella was the only one with powers that would do well in a fight. Kai's ability was useless without any water nearby and Danai wouldn't be able to do much flying inside the building. Bella didn't even have any powers. Mateo was the only one who might've stood a chance—but he was a child. She couldn't expect him to take on a whole squad of agents and prevail.

Still, Stella had faith in their plan. All they needed to do was execute.

With the Atlas agents prodding them forward, they shuffled through the long hall like cattle as they approached the elevator waiting at the end. Stella stiffened, her eyes bouncing from guard to guard. They all had their faces pointed forward. Glancing over her shoulder, she could see Kai and Danai waiting for the signal.

She wouldn't give it. Not yet.

They needed to get in the elevator. That was their best chance at taking out the guards.

All twelve wouldn't be able to fit. They would have to half their unit to transport all five prisoners at once. Inside the lift, it would be six versus five. Stella liked those odds. They were about the best they would get.

The guard at the front of the group pressed the button for the elevator. Seconds later, the glass doors slid open.

"Get in," the guard commanded.

Stella and the others stepped inside. As she settled inside the lift with her back touching the rear glass wall, she exhaled. She closed her eyes.

The elevator descended.

Once they passed upper levels, they continued dropping to the hangar. White, paneled walls gave way to a rocky surface as they traveled through the mountain range The Acropolis was built into.

Stella glanced to her side. Kai and Danai nodded simultaneously.

Go time.

With her hands still bound together, she clasped them together and swung them at the nearest guard. Behind her, Kai and Danai did the same. Startled, Mateo slunk into the corner. Surprisingly, Bella joined in the attack, doing her best to free a baton from a guard's holster.

False Gods | The Prime Archives #3 ✓Where stories live. Discover now