Chapter 10

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Sometimes you hurt people

I was never really good at expressing my feelings. Whether they were positive or negative I tend to keep it all in. It's easier that way. Nobody dis-validates them, nobody makes fun of you for them and nobody pretends to care for them. I don't remember when I learnt that but a lifetime of being surrounded by men, guess the emotional malfunction was meant to happen. But that emotional malfunction has never hurt anyone, until now.

I put down the phone feeling relieved after talking to my brother. He was alright. Only the big cities are affected. No one understood the why and how of the situation we were stuck in. They are taking the survivors through some borders, he told me. I don't know how we will get there yet but it gave me hope that we could live normally again if we get out of this city.

"Mister Bodyguard." The sound had me turning around to look at the door. Sandy stood at the door wearing that frown she always have.


"Where did you get those clothes?"

I looked down at the shirt I was wearing. "Sam gave them to me. His clothes are too tight for me."

Sandy sighed. "That jerk father of his is good for nothing and he still keeps his clothes around." Sandy muttered to herself leaving me in the room. I followed after her. I needed to talk to Aera. 

In the kitchen she and Sam stood side by side behind the counter. Sam chopped some fruits while Aera sipped her coffee.

"So is that why you moved?"


"And what about the rumors that you flashed your fans."
"That wasn't me."

"Right? And did you really date V?"

"V? V from BTS? Where the hell did you hear that?"

"I don't remember exactly."

Sam and Aera's bonding was starting to annoy me a little.

"Aera, do you have a minute to talk?" I asked finally letting myself look at her properly. The flashback of last night flooded my head when she looked up at me after. I shook them away.

"Sam, did I tell you about that guy I dated when I was 19?"

"No. Who was it?"

"That's not important. The important part is how big of an asshole he was."

She was talking to Sam but was looking at me. Are those words meant for me?

"Why? What did he do?"

"He was so clingy like all the time just begging me to go out with him. And the moment I gave him the time of the day suddenly he felt like he was too good for me. ME! Like the audacity..."

I looked down. I think I deserved that.

"I mean he was such an asshole that..."

"What are you talking about?" Sandy entered the chat box. Guess I chose a really wrong time to be here.

"I was just telling Sam that how men are just so fucking annoying."

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