Bonus Scenes

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First Meeting

I stood staring out the floor to ceiling window. From the 15th floor I could pretty much see half the city. I looked down and the people and cars seemed so little. Would I die if I jump from here?

"Ciera?" Zeni's voice made me turn around. My manager may only be a few years older than me but she makes me want to call her mom because of my mommy issues.

She stood in her peach skirt and maroon top beside a man I've never seen before. Actually, a very fine man. That jawline and cheek bones could cut glass.

"I have someone I want to introduce to you."

I walked closer to both of them. The man's eyes gave me a once over. I couldn't figure out what he was thinking since his face was completely expressionless as he stood in a Tux almost like a wax statue.

I smirked as soon his eyes locked with mine.

"Like what you see?" I asked him titling my head and crossing my hands across the chest.

Zeni did her nervous chuckle that she always does when she is trying to play it cool. It mostly happens when I'm around guys.

He only cleared his throat and looked away.

"Don't mind her. She likes to joke around." Zeni said to him before looking at me.

"Ciera, this is Taiyan. I sent you his resume."
I blinked not being able to recall reading any resume. But just to protect myself from Zeni's disappointed head tilt I went along with it.
"Sure." I nodded.
"Yes. I already interviewed him. I think he is the best candidate."

Candidate for what?

I nodded again eyeing him. He is built too huge to be anything but a bodyguard.
But I already have a huge team of bodyguards.

"But you can ask him anything you want and he can start tomorrow." Zeni said giving me a big proud smile.

"That's cool and all but what am I hiring him for again?" I finally asked.

Zeni's flustered smile came back before she talked through her clenched teeth.

"Your personal bodyguard."

"I don't remember asking for one." I frowned.
"You didn't. But your mom did and I thought it was a good idea. Ever since the whole stalker situation she and I..."

I held my hand up stopping her from talking.
"I don't need a personal bodyguard."

I exhaled feeling frustrated at my mother's interference in my life. I'm trying really hard to cut her off but she wouldn't let go.
I just walked around the tall man and out of the suit I was staying in.

"Ciera...I thought we talked about this." Zeni came running after me just as I pressed the down button for the elevator.

"I told you to stop taking orders from my mother." I said not looking at her.
"It's not about her. You were terrified when all of that happened. You have stayed in hotels since then. You wouldn't go to any of your houses. And I just thought that he could make you feel safer..."

She had a point. But I am trying really hard to not give my mother any power over my life or emotions anymore.

"Look don't do it for her. Do it for yourself."

That's what she said to me when I wanted to give up music too. I'm working on myself a lot these days and there are good days and bad days. Today might just be a good day because I wasn't in the mood to let down Zeni. 

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