Chapter 1.

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2 Years Later,

'WE WOULD NOW LIKE TO OFFICIALLY INVITE Y/N Y/L/N AND JENNIFER ANISTON TO THE STAGE' We walked onto the rather large "set" waving with me holding Jennifers clutch for her. The overwhelming chemistry surrounding us like fog.

'How amazing it is to have the two of you' We both smiled and nodded after taking a seat opposite the interviewer.

Jennifer: 'How amazing it is to be here' The blonde said and grasped hold of my hand resulting in the crowd awing. I bit my lip and attempted to focus on the interviewer.

We were currently in the UK so she had a British accent.

Y/n: 'Yeh, thank you for having us' I said making a few of the girls in the crowd cheer and jeer us on.

'So, the two of you are going to be starring in a movie together?' She asked resulting in us smiling at each other and me placing my arm around Jen's shoulder on the sofa.

Jennifer: 'Yes it's called how to lose a girl in 10 days' The beautiful girl said and landed her hand on my thigh, I grinned at her and flashed the crowd a charming smile.

'Can you walk us through the storyline for the audience' I nodded and decided to take lead.

Y/n: 'So basically, in a Nutshell, Jen plays someone, a girl called Andi in the movie, she's a news reporter who gets assigned an article where she has to do all the wrong things in a relationship and lose a girl in 10 days' the crowd cheered 'Of course the lucky girl is myself' I smirked and rubbed the back of my neck resulting in Jennifer taking the lead.

Jennifer: 'Yes and Y/n plays someone called Vera who's a sports magazine person, and she makes a bet to make someone fall in love with her before this big ball' I nodded.

'It sounds amazing ill definitely be giving it a watch' i kissed the back of Jen's hand making her gaze at me longingly 'Now it is of my understanding there is something going on away from set between you two, two of Hollywood's most loved at the moment' I bit my lit while the blue-eyed girl next to me blushed.

Jennifer: 'We can neither confirm nor deny these rumours' She spoke making both me and the reporter chuckle 'All I can say is we are happy'

You see I know it might seem as though I've only got with Jennifer because Angelina has gotten with Brad, However, this is so far from the truth it is crazy. I wasn't planning on finding anyone then my movie career started taking off and one thing leads to another, in other words, me and Jen fell for each other on the set of our movie.

So yeah, Angelina can do one.

But I'll never be over her. She was my first everything.


(The airport)

Y/n: 'I can't believe you have to fly back already' The girl wrapped her arms around my shoulders and rest her chin on my chest seen as though I was taller than her...

'I'm going to miss you so much' I spoke seeing a cute smile appear from the corners of her beautiful lips.

Jennifer: 'Baby, I'll only be gone 24 hours then I'm coming straight back and we can fly to Milan together' I hummed and kissed her after looking around for any hidden paparazzi.

Y/n: 'Ok, ring me when you get off the plane safely' I whispered and kissed the top of her head feeling her grip tighten around me. 'Promise?' I asked.

Jennifer: 'I promise stalker' She said while giggling,

I smiled and picked her up spinning us around then put her down and pulled her into a proper kiss. The blonde moaned into the feverish exchange and deepened it rapidly.

I moved my hands down to her ass and gave it a light squeeze then whispered...

Y/n: 'Go before I take you back to my hotel room and make it so u can't walk let alone get on a jet' I whispered making the blue-eyed Aquarius look at me wide-eyed with certain darkness to her expression.

Jennifer: 'Now I don't want to go' She said and released our bodies from each others touch 'I adore you' The girl muttered.

We aren't quite there with the 'I love You' yet.

Y/n: 'I adore you too' I said feeling the happiest I had in the past two years. No never mind happiness it was contentedness. A pure and simple relationship I had grown fond of.

That doesn't mean I don't have days where I cant drag myself out of bed because the overwhelming realisation hits me Angelinas Gone.

I hummed and continued waving at the 5'5 girl who looked amazing in my hoodie and basketball shorts. I breathed in and could smell her 'Lolavie by Jennifer Aniston' perfume to be exact.

Jennifer: 'I left you something on your pillow' she said with a cheeky smirk and gave me one last wave, I blushed and couldn't help but grin at the current place I was in, in my life.

(Back at your apartment)

After leaving Jennifer at the airport I came back to my apartment greeted by my 3 favourite people in the world.

Nicole: 'So I saw the interview today' I looked up from the pan I was making Mac and cheese in and tilted my head sideways,

Y/n: 'oh you did?' I asked refusing to smile, or even blush but wanting to so bad,

Carson: 'you and Jennifer have so much chemistry it's crazy' She's not Angelina though.

Adriana: 'I hate to say it but I think she's the one for you y/n' my eyes went wide at her statement.

It's not that I don't think Jen is the one it's that imagining spending my forever with someone other than Angelina is something I don't necessarily want to do.

Nicole: 'Your thinking about something' the auburn haired older girl spoke resulting in me snapping out of my overthinking,

Y/n: 'yeah i realised this morning it would have being our three year anniversary today' They all gave me a sad stare.

Carson: 'She's not worth your time never mind scarifying your mental health for her' He said and took over stirring the meal we would be sharing,

Nicole: 'She's in London, alone...' she sat next to me 'Did you know?'




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