Chapter 3.

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Angelina: 'Hi Adriana' The brunette spoke while I continued to duck down behind the Brazilians back,

Adriana: 'Angelina' she said and bowed her head, I smiled and kept my eyes closed hoping she hadn't seen me,

'Psst y/n I think she's seen you' I chuckled and stood up peaking over Adriana's shoulder,

My god, she looks good.

Y/n: 'Hi' I said with a minor wave resulting in the girl humming

Angelina: 'Why are you avoiding my lawyer's calls?' the grey-eyed girl said making me roll my eyes and place my hand around Adriana's waist...

Y/n: 'Because you just want more custody with Maddox and I thought 50/50 was ok considering you cheated on me' The brunettes smug face dropped and she stepped forward away from the prying ears

Angelina: 'I want more custody because you can't keep a steady relationship' Adriana houghed at this statement and grabbed my hand squeezing it a little,

Y/n: 'Well yes I can' I mumbled and moved so I was straight stood up, adjusting my top collar

Angelina: 'What with Adriana? your on and off like a light switch' the girl spoke and pointed at the blue-eyed girl I would always love,

I bit my lip in anger and stood In front of the supermodel who looked a little sad

This bitch cannot make her sad

Y/n: 'No, I'm dating Jennifer' I muttered, the girl chuckled only resulting in me getting angrier,

Angelina: 'Aniston?' She asked

Adriana: 'Yes she's dating Jennifer Aniston, and they "adore" each other' the shorter, but still tall girl said with confidence,

Y/n: 'Shush you' I mumbled in her ear and turned back to Angie

Angelina: 'How long has this been going on for?' The brunette asked. Although she wasn't brunette now she had dyed her hair for a role

Y/n: 'Like a few months, 6 months next week' I said seeing her face drop.

Angelina: 'Well, congratulations y/n' I hummed

Y/n: 'Thank you, I want 50/50 custody still though' I said and rubbed the back of my neck nervously

Adriana: The Brazilian stepped forward 'I think she deserves this Angelina' I smiled

Angelina: 'I'll talk to my lawyer' I rolled my eyes and looked at Angelina's arms. She looked skinny, skinnier than when we were together

Y/n: 'Why can't you just talk to me like a normal person anymore?' I asked and glanced back up to greet her eyes

Angelina: 'Because the last time that happened I fell back in love with you' my heart dropped.

She can't just expect to come back into my life that quick

Y/n: 'Oh well then I guess it better go through the lawyers' She smiled softly and glanced at my lips shocking me a little

Scarlett: 'Y/n come on the tours starting' the auburn-haired girl shouted over to me and Adriana

Y/n: 'Have a good time with Brad, hope you're happy' the brunette bowed her head and let me pass her

'Fuck shit fuck' I muttered as we walked away from Angelina, my panic overtaking me

Adriana: 'Y/n just relax, even though you look cute when you're stressed' I glanced at her and chuckled lowly

Y/n: 'I look cute when I'm stressed?' I asked

Adriana: 'Of course, you do, you make this little cute face' I wrapped my arm over her shoulder

Y/n: 'Well I'm glad that you think me being at higher risk of a heart attack is cute' I whispered into her ear seeing her shiver a little at the loss of contact

Adriana: 'Shushhhh, you're never going to die because I would be lost without you' I hummed and smiled at her seeing the glisten in her eyes

Y/n: 'you're so fucking nice' the girl gave me a look 'oh yeah, I would be lost without you too' she smiled

Adriana: 'Why do we never end up together?' She asked taking me off guard a little however when I regained my train of thought I turned to her

Y/n: 'I don't know it must not be in our cards' she licked her lips as we carried on following everyone around this extremely boring set,

Adriana: 'I wish it was' She mumbled under her breath not expecting me to hear. I heard though.

Y/n: 'Me too, but I'm happy with Jen and you have all the options in the world' She opened her bag and grabbed some lipstick outputting it on, I basically melted on the spot but didn't let her see that. Or that side of me that gets nervous around her.

Adriana: 'Yeah... but you're the only option I want and your not even an option' The brunette spoke and placed the lipstick back in her Louis Vuitton bag,

Y/n: 'I could be in the future, you never know what God has in store for us' She rolled her eyes and bit her lip. Oh my god her lips.

Adriana: 'Imma pray you come back to me' I hummed making her jab me in the stomach,  I houghed playfully and tasered her in the stomach with my fingers seeing her laugh only made me laugh more.

Y/n: I felt eyes on me but kept my full attention on the blue-eyed supermodel in front of me 'You do that my little Brazillian you do that' She ran her fingers through her hair and looked up at me. We had now stopped and were just staring at each other basically. 

It was one of those movie moments old people talk about. And we both knew it.

Adriana: 'How am I little I'm literally 5'10?' She asked and batted her eyelashes at me. I closed my eyes. Reframed myself. Then opened them again greeted by her smile.

I should have realised what I had when I was with her. It would have saved me a lot of heartbreak.

Y/n: 'You're little compared to me' I whispered.

Adriana: 'It's not my fault you are literally the hottest, tallest person in existence' I smiled and turned to see everyone surrounding us watching the two of us like we were in a zoo.

Tourguide: 'We need to see you two in a movie or photoshoot together'

?: 'The way you look at each other...'

Director: '...Pure lust'




WANTED FOR REVENGE {Angelina Jolie/You} -Book 2.Where stories live. Discover now