Chapter 9.

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Y/n Pov:

Y/n: 'I know it's been a while since we talked, but i wanted your advice, no i need your advice' I say playing with my thumbs and adjusting myself in the leather chair which supported an unrealisticly comfortable cushion,

'it's completely fine y/n, i'm here whenever and however you need me, that's the entire point of therapy remember' they say and look up at me, clicking their pen on the counter and adjusting their notepad

Y/n: 'Me and Angelina had one night of sex three months ago, i was having a weak moment and allowed her back in' I look up and meet their eyes 'I knew instantly it shouldn't have happened and i think she did too but it just felt like the old time'

They nod and smile reassuringly 'That's the whole point of our therapy to try heal this attachment you have to your first everything, why is this bothering you months on?' they asked and adjusted their hair

Y/n: 'She confided in me a couple of days ago, eventually telling me she is pregnant, three months pregnant' I say and roll my eyes 'I'm happy... i am, i've always wanted another child but my brain is completely scrambled' I confide in the therapist

'What do you plan on doing about this situation?' they ask and begin writing things in the journal

Y/n: 'I think coparenting would be the best option, but she seemed to make it abundantly clear she wants us as a family again' I mumble rather struggling to get my words out of my mouth

'It was of my understanding she was with brad and you are in fact with Adriana?' She says with a harsh yet questioning and soft tone

Y/n: 'We are, I mean I am, i don't know, i love Adriana, i do, i love her and i want to stay with her' I ramble and try to convince myself i was doing this for the greater good of two relationships

'then surely coparenting would be the perfect fit... it seems to have worked with Maddox, i mean he truly is an amazing young boy' They say and look around the room, hunting for the clock

Y/n: 'my thoughts exactly' I say 'It just seems as though Angie thinks she can get me back whenever she pleases, it makes me feel shit it really does, knowing that her thoughts are probably laced with truth' They nod in agreement to my statement

'it's not my place to demand, only advise but i believe for the sake of your mental health and your unborn baby and Maddox's also, coparenting seems like the only logical thing to go through with' they "advise" i hunt in their eyes whilst puffing out my cheeks, they were right and i knew it

Y/n: 'Thank you, i agree completely, i'm going to pursue things with Adriana and let Angelina do whatever she will with Brad' I comply and stand up from the brown leather chair, they shake my hand and i leave the room with a clear mind and an abundance of thoughts

Angelina Pov:

Ever since i broke the news to Y/n of the pregnancy the girl has become unclear on her thoughts, i know she is happy about the pregnancy i just have no idea about her thoughts on what she wants to do about it

Brad: 'Angelina, babe we are going to Y/n's and Adrianas for dinner remember, we took them up on their offer' He shouts up the stairs, it quickly becomes apparent i have spent the last 25 minutes blankly staring at myself in the mirror

I wipe my tears, in consequence smudging my mascara and move the unnecessary hair from my face, i grab a face wipe and remove all the stains from under my eyes and cheeks and manage to compose myself

WANTED FOR REVENGE {Angelina Jolie/You} -Book 2.Where stories live. Discover now