Chapter 19 Part 1

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(F/p)- favorite flavor of toothpaste (It can't be mint)

(Y/n)'s Pov~

"Fire!" Someone wakes me up from my sleep. I sat up on my bed and rubbed my tired eyes. When I open them, the room is still dark and the only source of light is the moon shining through the window. My eyes look towards where Nya is only to see her bed done. I slowly got off my bed and leave my shared room with my blanket covering my body.

The blanket is very large so I drag half of the blanket with me. "Unlock fire! Uh, fire go! Shoot flames!" I hear Kai yelling in the distance however, he wasn't in his shared room, he was in grandpa's room.

'Did Grandpa Wu come back?'

I thought. "Ah come on. Everyone else can do it. So can you." I hear Kai praising himself. I slowly push open the door to his room without a sound of a creak and see green clothing. "Bring heat!" He yells. I look away for a moment to open the door all the way and watch my step.

When I look back up, I see Kai doing pushups with one hand and then posed in front of the mirror and that made me cringe.

When I look back up, I see Kai doing pushups with one hand and then posed in front of the mirror and that made me cringe

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{How embarrassing}

I watched him do more poses until there is laughter behind me.  "Very nice. Perhaps if you tried the phrase 'fire dork' maybe it might work." Cole jokes.  "How long have you all been watching?" Kai demands an answer but Jay changed the subject. "The Green Ninja suit, that's awesome!" Jay exclaimed. I agreed with Jay, though the only thing that wasn't awesome is Kai screaming different fire names, posing towards the mirror, and... Training.

"Well, I was looking for some kind of clue from Sensei and then I found this." I throw my (f/c) slipper towards Kai because 1; He deserves it 2; He barged in grandpa's room when he is not around and 3; he woke me up.

'How rude.'

{Says the one who goes in Wu's room  numerous times than Kai.}

'S-shut up! That is because I miss him.'

... Yes I have been going in grandpa's room, but it's not like I'm snooping in his inventory, like Kai. "But you know only he who is foretold to face Lord Garmadon is destined to be the Green Ninja and he should wear the Green Ninja outfit. So Sensei would most likely be very-," Zane explains but then was cut off by Kai. "I know, I know."

{Sure doesn't look like it.}

Momo said. Kai walks to the window with his back facing us. "But I thought if I just tried it on, it might help me find my true potential. It's not fair that you guys have unlocked your cool powers and I still haven't." I walk behind Kai and did a small hand sign.


"(Y/n) signed 'Patient'," Zane explains. "Yeah, your right." Kai pats my head. "Besides, Sensei is gone and we don't know when he's coming back." Kai said. "Hello? I'm home." I gasp with my eyes widening after hearing the certain voice I have been waiting for so long. "Sensei!"

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