Not an update

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No, I'm not going to discontinue this story. Sorry for taking a long time. In the past, I have been using Netflix to help me write this Niniago story. Currently, I am trying to get the password from a certain someone but I'm waiting for the right time to ask. So many things had happened with my relationship with my parents and my sisters, and that had made me forget about the story, along with helping a friend of mine who keeps thinking negatively. Another thing is that I have been trying to get my history class to a 'C'. History is by far difficult for me, especially how I slowly process things.

I have a few reasons why I don't like using Youtube because;

1: I use subtitles in case I misheard things or I couldn't catch up with what they are saying
2: in some videos the words they say sound muffled, and it pisses me off. Yeah, I know some of these are stupid excuses. I know.

So in short, I don't know when the next chapter will come up.

While we are all waiting, do you guys have any requests to keep you guys entertained. Like a Q&A or "what if (Y/n) accidentally slaps Wu's hand because she doesn't want to eat a certain food." Hehe, yeah she is going to get in trouble for slapping his hand and has to do 5 push-ups. Fun Fact: she is not strong so it would take her 6 hours to do 1 right push-up.

Just let me know.

Hope you guys have good day and see ya'll later. Bye 👋🏼

Silent wind (Ninjago x mute reader)Where stories live. Discover now