Prologue part 1; Lost

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Mama and papa are fighters for our village. Papa is a samurai fox and mama is a ninja. They've always had each other back. One day, they had me. Mama and papa wound take turns going to fight the bad guys or take care of me.

Mama and Papa would tell me a story about there past. They even read some stories to me. My favorite story was the first spinjitzu master. Mama and I were under a cherry tree is surrounded by lotus flowers on the lake, the green grass around me and mama, and white crocus as well. I look at my Mama and asked her, "Mama, will I ever become like you or papa?" She didn't give me a happy smile that I'm so familiar with. She gave me a sad smile.

"(Y/n), your father doesn't want you to become like us. The same goes for me. We want you to be a beautiful butterfly, free like a leaf that the wind will take you somewhere nice," I didn't understand. She keeps ongoing. "We don't want you to become a poisonous snake that ends stories."

I still didn't understand her. I kept on repeating those words in my head. Later, mama started humming a lullaby that I have loved.

I lay my head on her lap, listening to the lullaby song that mama is humming. As she keeps on humming I fell asleep. The lullaby sometimes makes me sleep.

As time passes, my birthday was coming up. It five days and I was about to turn 7. But the bad guy came into our village. Mama is carrying me and papa is leading the way. Of course, he had to stop and end the bad guys. Mama didn't want me to see. However, I did hear the screaming of pain.

We were leaving the village. Papa couldn't' help the other villagers. He had to take care of me and mama. "We'll be okay." Mama said. My head was laying on her shoulder. I didn't want to look up after what I saw.

Before we left the village, I saw villagers being killed by bad guys. Screaming of pain from the villagers, crying for help, and begging for mercy. No one came to help. Not even papa. I was so traumatized.

We stop in the middle of a forest. I finally looked up and turn my head around. Someone was right in front of Papa and I couldn't see who that was. "Fujin, get out of here." Papa said. "No, " mama told. "You take (Y/n) and go, I can take care of him." Mama yelled at Papa. "Just, DO IT!" Papa yelled at mama.

Mama did what papa had ordered her to do. She jaumping from tree to tree while holding me.
As mama jumps farther away from papa, she stops on the ground. "(Y/n), I need you to run and hide somewhere. Here take this." Mama gave me a neckless. It was a flower necklace Mama loved flowers. I never knew where she had gotten this necklace.

I cried. "N-no, I don't want to l-leave you. I don't want-n't to be alone." I cried out. "You won't."

She lefts me. I didn't want to go. I slowly walk to where mama ran. Every step I took I fear something bad is going to happen. I close my eyes took a deep breath and hum the lullaby that mama was singing.

The fear went away. I forgot what had just happened in the village. I was walking a little bit faster. In the middle of me humming, I saw mama on the ground. Blood surrounding her and staining her clothes.

"M-mama, " I stutter. I walk back then ran away.

My birthday hit. I was so hungry, cold, and tired. I couldn't sleep as a flashback of my mama pops up in my head. My stomach is hurting me from hunger.

Just yesterday someone started to talk to me.

{Are you tired?}

'Yes.' I thought. The voice sounded like a man and he almost sounds like papa. When I looked around no one was around me.

{I'm speaking inside your head.}

'Oh,' I was too tired to be scared.

{You should rest.}

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