Chapter 7

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Woong-in and Sunoo came back home after half an hour. Woong-in rushed into the house, while Sunoo was walking slowly as he wasn't able to walk properly because of what happened last night. But who cares? He had bandages on his chin, forehead, neck. His face and body were bruised again.

"Did the doctor ask anything? Did he had any doubts about his condition?" His wife asked with curiosity.

"No, I told them that he fought with some boys. So they taught him a lesson." Both started laughing at him. Leaving Sunoo hurt. As if Sunoo has no relation with them. So he just left the two there and went to his room.

"Well, Today a boy came to meet you two. He was looking wealthy. He said that your brother was in a project with their company?" This confused him a little. But after realizing it, he immediately said.

"Oh! Maybe. But I think we should not meet them. What if he'll know about my fraud? I don't want to go to jail. And you know, that we don't have any right on the property all because of that lawyer. I think If we'll not respond to them, they'll understand that we are not interested." This didn't make much sense but her wife agreed with what he said.


Woong-in was in his room thinking of what he should do to take all the property back. But there was no solution for it, which was making him bothered.

"This Sunoo!! He's so useless. No one will give him a good job as he hadn't completed his studies." Woong-in said to himself.

There were many things in his head. But one idea just made him surprised.

"What if i... No no! it's illegal... But who cares... What did he do for me? I think I will get more money that way. What if I sell him to someone. Someone who is rich and can pay for him a lot. I'm sure there will be one who'll set a high price for him. After all, he's so beautiful, can do housework, many other things." Woong-in set his mind to cash him in any way.

He immediately picked up his phone and called his friend. He explained his friend everything. And his friend was ok with his idea. He was the same as him. After then, he went to his wife to tell the whole plan. He called her from the kitchen.

"What do you want?" She asked.

"I want to talk to you about something important. Come here." He held her hand and took her to their room.

"What?" His wife asked felt irritated.

"Listen, What I'm going to say is kind of hard to understand. But as your my wife, I know you will understand me. And I'm doing this just for you and me." Listening to his words, her wife got serious as something was wrong.

 "Look, you know I tried a lot that we get all his business. But it didn't happen. So, ahh.. what if we try another way? What if.. we sell him?" His wife became silent. And that made Woong-in reconsider his decision. But just then.

"I'm with you. He and his parents didn't do anything for us, So why should we think about them?" She encouraged him with a smile. Woong-in smiled back.

"So, my plan is.." He explained everything to her. Both of them were satisfied with his plan. As if this plan will surely work.



"Hyung Please!! I never asked anything. Please can we stay here a few days more? PLEASE!!" I requested like a kid.

"I know why you want to stay here. If you like him that much, So just confess to him. So he can go back with you." Heeseung Hyung chuckled at how anxious I am. Yes!! I'm in love. I have found my soulmate. This trip was the best decision ever!!

"You know. I'm kinda shy. We met accidentally when he picked my suitcase by mistake. I just can't explain how I felt talking to him for just a few seconds. It was like he's the only person in this world. And luckily, we're staying at the same hotel. So please, just stay here for some days more. I PROMISE We'll go back after that!!" I pleaded again.

"Uff!! I never thought someone can drive you this crazy! Well, Jungwon is a nice person. I'm sure he'll say yes. I noticed that he also takes interest in you." Heeseung Hyung's words made me blushed and gave me some hope to talk to him about this. I hope he'll say yes.

"So we're staying? Right? I'll text Sunghoon!!" I said excitedly that made Heeseung Hyung laugh even harder.


Sunghoon came back to his house. Resting on the sofa, he received a message and it was Jay. Well, he read the message and that made him kind of upset. Some days more! He thought. He was really missing them now. He was on the verge to do anything to kill this loneliness. As his cold nature towards people didn't let him befriend anyone rather than Jay. Jay and Heeseung were the only people with whom he talks nicely. He was always alone in his house since Heeseung has to travel a lot because of the business and he too. Talking about Jay, He couldn't stay with him 24/7. And this loneliness was making him colder somehow. But deep down, he still wants someone to be with him, we can say 24/7.

One week later:

Everything was so different in Sunoo's place. Over the past week, Woong-in and his wife's behaviour suddenly changed. And this made Sunoo very happy but at the same time confused. He didn't think that something can be wrong but assumed that they realized their mistake. Sunoo's wounds were cured. And after that, Woong-in never hit him. They treated him very nicely just like when he first came to their home. The sudden change made Sunoo think that God had listened to him. He started to feel to be loved again. One day, they sincerely (that's what Sunoo thinks) apologized for what they have done to him. And that relieved him even more. But little did he know, it was all a trap.

Finally!! I'm coming to the main plot of the story!!! 😅

Thank you so much for 1k+ views and 100+ votes. It means a lot. TT

I'm updating it because my school is starting from tomorrow TT I'll try to update more often.

Thank you again!!!

And i'm so happy that some members are covid free now 😍

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