Chapter 22

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Regret, anger, shame, and many more emotions ran through his body. His whole self felt so weak that he couldn't stand and fell to the ground.

"I-I swear I never wanted this to be. I never had such intentions towards you." The older said, avoiding any eye contact.

"It's what you w-wanted from the start. Otherwise, there was no p-point in you buying me. Sad, you got this opportunity so late." Sunoo replied with a cracked voice after shedding a thousand tears. But now there was no point to cry more. Because, what was done, can't be changed.

"Can you forgive me?" Sunghoon turned himself to the latter, hoping for any sign of pettiness in the other's eyes.

"I promise I will do anything to have forgiven. I can't live with this burden. I will never find peace if you didn't forgive me." The older begged with tears that started to roll through his cheeks.

"Then I must say that you never find peace, Mr Sunghoon." A painful yet satisfying smile escaped through Sunoo's mouth.

"I want you to burn in this hell forever like me." Said the younger while standing slowly with his unstable movement.

"Don't ever mistake me for the people that become scared from their r@pists. Now you wait. But first, get out from here." As Sunoo signalled the older to leave the room.


"I said get out Mr Sunghoon." Sunghoon stood from the ground, took his shirt and made his way out of the room only then,

"I-I might be a bit selfish, b-but c-can you not tell this to Hyung?" He slapped himself internally for saying such a thing, but he never wanted to let his brother know about it.

"It's funny how you still care about your relations, your loved ones, but not the person you did all this with." Sunoo sighed while looking at the egocentric person in front of him.


"You're not eating Sunghoon?" Heeseung pointed at the plate served to sunghoon. He nodded and added the food to his empty dish.

Heeseung was observing that Sunghoon was behaving differently today. But why?

"Heeseung-ssi, why did Jay-ssi and Jungwon-ssi left early?" Ari asked  while giving tea to Heeseung.

"Jay's parents wanted to meet Jungwon before he leaves. So they went to Jay's house and will stay there form the remaining days of Jungwon." Heeseung thanked Ari while answering her question.

"Ari, please call Sunoo for the breakfast." A spoon slipped from the latter's hand when he heard the name Sunoo. Heeseung noticed that too. Panic was in Sunghoon's movement. His hands started to sweat, a sudden concern engulfed him.

"Good morning Hyung!" A low voice came from behind, hinting that Sunoo had arrived.

"Good morn-... What happened to you!" Sunghoon's heart started to beat faster as he could only hear their conversation while avoiding the eye contact from them.

"Ahh, I got a cut from broken glass." Sunoo said in a relaxed tone. Heeseung just made an oh sound.

Sunghoon hurriedly raised his head and saw nothing but just a small wound on Sunoo's finger. All the bruises were nowhere to be seen.

He might have covered it pretty good.

All the time went smoothly. There was no suspicion that something ever happened last night. But still, Sunghoon wasn't relaxed. the burden of him hurting Sunoo wasn't going away. He was hating himself, disgusted by his action, whether done intentionally or unintentionally.


"I'm leaving Ari!" Sunoo shouted from the entrance door of the house.

"Where are you going?" A whisper like a question asked by Sunghoon while lowering his gaze.

"Do I need your permission to go anywhere? Especially yours?" Sunoo grumbled.

"N-no I meant"

"I'm leaving!" Sunoo said louder than before, interrupting Sunghoon's words. He walked past Sunghoon just when a hand held his arm, trying to prevent him from leaving.

"NEVER TOUCH ME AGAIN MR SUNGHOON! I CAN'T LET YOU PUT YOUR FILTHY HAND ON ME AGAIN!!" Sunoo yelled, pushing Sunghoon away. And left Sunghoon in shock.

"I j-just wanted to give you a ride..."


It was so refreshing for Sunoo to live freely again. He could go out without any fear. He was roaming around the shopping mall like a child walking to a theme park for the first time. The enjoyment was equal. Everything was good except for some memories.

Sunoo was going to be in a new grade this year. And for this reason, he asked Heeseung to let him buy some stuff for it. And he let him go alone.

He was almost done when Sunoo felt that someone was following him. At first, he shrugged it off, but then he realized It was not just his imagination. He made his steps quick to the restroom and locked himself in. And he was not wrong, soon after that, he heard someone entering the restroom.

"I knew It was you." Sunoo quickly opened the door scaring the other person.

"I just wanted to talk to you.." The other person said politely.

"Do you have any shame? After doing all this, you still dare to face me." The younger made a disgusted face towards the latter.

"I know I'm the worst but still at least listen to me."

"What do you have to say, Uncle! Sigh* You don't deserve to be called this. You are just a greedy person who might be here to sell me again to those jerks."

"Your Auntie died Sunoo... Just because of what we did to you... The money is gone because of our intentions. I have nothing but regret. I am here to ask for your forgiveness because maybe God will also less my problems." Woong-in kneeled while bursting out into crying.

"You reap what you sow... And that's what happened to you too." There wasn't any single affection in Sunoo's eyes for the latter.

"Just because of you, I lost everything in my life. My parents, my precious moments, my innocence."

"W-what do you mean?" Woong-in raised his head after hearing what the other said.

"Y-yes... He did what he wanted. And what can you expect from a person who bought you with money? Just because of you." Sunoo once again blamed him for everything that happened to him last night. If just his Uncle wasn't that selfish, everything could be alright.

"What can I do for you, my child? The money blinded me. I never thought I would dare to do such a pathetic thing with you. I'm sorry." He folded his hands in front of Sunoo.

"Right, no one can do anything. But If you really are guilty of what you've done. Then... do me a favour." Sunoo said after thinking.

"Anything Sunoo!"

"Tomorrow, come to Mr Sunghoon's house with the police."



Your Author is on her vacation finally! 😪😪

I hope everyone is happy and healthy. 😘

I am really out of the track with writing. Sorry for that.

See you soon 

Borahae!! 💜

𝐒𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤 「Sunsun」Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant