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Chapter 5

"Carlton, would you come into my office please." Mr. Preston called me and judging from the urgency of his voice, it was something of importance. I dropped whatever it is I was doing and went straight to his office.

I opened the door and I saw him sitting behind his desk while his wife was standing with grace at his side. He motioned me to sit down in one of the sofa chairs in front of him. It was then that I realized that Richard was also sitting in one of them. His body was hidden from view, thanks to the large frame of the chair.

"Why do you think I called you both here?" the question was addressed for us.

"No idea." mumbled Richard.

"Not a clue sir." I said.

Mr. Preston turned to his son. "Richard, we have talked about this. Since you finished your studies, it's time you learn how to manage our business. Your mother and I will be retiring and effective Monday, I am no longer the CEO of the Preston Astor Group."

I glanced at Richard who's expression was blank and serious.

"But don't get your hopes up yet. I will be appointing you first as VP for Finance but with focus to one of our oldest but biggest corporation. From there you will have your training and experience before branching out to the other industries. I will be appointing Roy Pearson as the interim CEO and when I see that you're ready, you will ultimately replace him."

Mr. Preston handed a long rectangular box to Richard.

"Consider this a graduation gift."

Richard opened the box revealing an elegant nameplate with his name engraved on it.

"Congratulations! You are now the official VP for Finance of the Preston Astor Group."

His mother clapped enthusiastically while I nodded at him to congratulate him with his appointment.

"Carlton," Mr. Preston brought his attention to me. "You're probably wondering why I sent you here."

Before I could open my mouth to speak, he gave me a small leather bound black journal that almost doubled its size from constant usage and countless sticky notes lodged in between.

"That contains my schedule of appointments and checklist of tasks which I can no longer accommodate. You will act as my son's temporary personal assistant while my secretary endorses all the work assigned to him. You'll help him be familiarized with the whole plant, the process and the employees."

I scanned the contents of the logbook. I finally realized the reasons for the frequent trips to the corporation and the discussions and talks with the employees and managers. He was preparing me to act as a guide to Richard.

"I'll do my best to sir." I assured him. After that, I was asked to leave the room. 

I went to my room to review the logbook once more hoping to get more details about my task. All detailed schedules and the point person I have  to memorize almost numbed my brain but I had to endure it so I can support the chairman's son better. 

Mr. and Mrs. Preston left afterward that afternoon to catch the evening flight on their way to their private cruise trip. Now it's up to Richard and I to make sure that everything's in order.

As I continued to read the notes from my room, I heard a tap from my window which ultimately became a continuous pitter-patter of rain. I paused and stared outside observing as the droplets of water started to become bigger and heavier with each minute that passes.

It might be the effect of boredom but I was hypnotized by how the splatters of water from my window slowly slides down, combining a droplet with another, before falling down like meteor on the window sill. The sky began to rumble, producing a quick flash of light before letting out a roaring thunder. 

I immediately thought about the window I opened in the sunroom. In a flash, I ran upstairs going to the edge of the house towards the glass crowded room. I saw a curtain floating and flapping aggressively  from the harsh winds outside. Promptly, I approached its direction and reached for the handle to close and lock the opening.

Another flash of light left me bIinded for a second as I saw the thin branches of lightning disappear. The unforeseen thunderstorm is looking so severe but the weird thing is that, I started to think about Richard whose room is just nearby.

I remember how much he hated the rumbling thunder and wind whenever there's a storm. I found out about his fear of resentful weather by chance when I saw him ran to his room when there was a hurricane. It was not my place to ask the spoiled little child why he seems scared but he looked so troubled that I have to find out why.

I followed him into his room, thankfully he didn't locked the door. I can't see him but I can hear his faint whimper. I surmised that he was hiding under the bed because where else can a scared child usually find seclusion. I raised the bed skirt and there he was trembling with fear covering his ears.

"What are you doing there?" I asked him.

"Go away!" he cried out.

"Are you scared of the thunderstorm?"  

He looked away from me.

"Alright, I'm coming in there." he made a disgruntled sound but it didn't stop me anyway to slide under the bed. He stared at me with confusion in his eyes. I calmly removed his other hand on his ear. "Look Richie, the storm may be loud sometimes but that's normal. It will not hurt you." I assured him.

"Then why does it sounds like it's gonna strike at us anytime now?"

"That's nature. Look, I'll show you." I crawled out and went beside his window and beckoned him to come out of his hiding. I spread my arms in front of the glass window and stood calmly even as the thunder boomed loudly from the distance. "See what I mean?"

Somehow I convinced him to join me in my spot and tried his best to bravely stare outside his window. The rain continued to pour down, somehow heavy but still calming to look at. The angry sky let out again a threatening roll of thunder. I felt a pair of  small arms enclosed my body. I looked down and saw little Richie shivering but trying his best to face his fears. I put my hand down behind his head and stroked his hair to calm him.

We stood there for nearly an hour just watching the thunderstorm lose its power. My feet started to hurt and I gazed down and found out that Richie's almost half asleep with his face buried above my hips. I tried my best not to wake him as I slowly led him to his bed and once he laid down, I pulled his blanket to cover him. He slept comfortably while the rain is calming down. I'll never forget how peaceful he looked and how satisfied I was to comfort him during his distress. After that day, he started treating me better and I was glad he stopped treating me unfairly.


There was a loud thud from a window nearby. One of the branches from the tree outside was being pushed by the wind. Here I am back again in the sunroom. I reminded myself to ask Peter, the gardener, to trim off the elongated branch of the elm tree tomorrow in order to avoid property damage in the future.

I got out of the solarium and I passed by Richard's room. I stopped for a while and stared at the door. I knew he's no longer afraid of storms and thunders, but somehow I still wonder if he still remembers that day when he saw me as an older sibling taking care of his younger little brother. 

I sighed. I hope everything's gonna turn out well, now that it's up to me to look out for him again?

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