Heroic Deeds, The Truth, and Uncovered Memories

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/3rd Pov/

The group woke up on the floor all confused on how they got there, but when they searched for clues, everything had been erased and blocked. During all the confusion, they decided to drop the investigation and move on for the moment to get back to what they were doing before hand. 

/Eri Pov/

I was looking for Papa or Mr. Deku, but I couldn't find them. I then appeared in a forest so I pushed the emergency button like Papa told me to. I'm waiting for him to come find me, but I keep hearing scary noises and it's scary. I wanna go home...

/With Aizawa/

As we are heading back to the school building my phone goes off. I look at what the notification is for and my face goes pale. Everyone around me can tell that this situation is dire. "Eri pressed the emergency button and is alone in a remote forest... We gotta go! NOW!" Aizawa says and everyone else nods and follows him to the car. 

/Back with Eri/

I look at Papa's tracker  to see he is coming for me, but the scary sounds are still getting louder. Then two giant monster appeared along with another one that is smaller. The large ones are growling meanwhile the small one is playing with strings. They the two large creature charge at me. "ERI!!!" I hear before a pair of warm arms scoop me up in their embrace. I look up to see beautiful blue eyes with blue hair complimenting them. He is warmth disappears as he set me down, Papa runs to me and hugs me. Mr. Deku, Kacchan, Sharky, and Mr. Peppermint surround me, but just then a blue light covers flashes inside their eyes and and then disappears. They looks at the boy that helped me and then Mr. Deku said, "You were the boy we found, and tried to help. But, you healed yourself then left and erased our memories... Why?" The blue guy looked down and said, "Listen, I can explain, but maybe we should save that for after this monstrosity. I won't erase your memories, I'll tell you the truth of what I know, but answer my questions too."

/Rin's Pov/

I look back towards the demon and demonic creature behind him. I charge at the two creatures and attack their brains. I end up destroying one of the brains, but the other charges for the group behind me. The guy with white and red hair  set the second one on fire and it turned completely to ash. People use powers here, now I have a lot more question, but why are demons here. This isn't Assiah. The demon started to scream nonsense and I couldn't pick up what he was saying. He tried to charge at us. "Stand down." I say to him. "Now, why would I do that." he says then maniacally laughs. "I said, stand..DOWN!" as I flare up. Blue flames surround me and my eyes stare daggers through his very soul. He bows down to me, "I'm sorry, young prince.." the demon says to me softly with his head down while on one knee. "Go back to Gehenna, and never return here again." I say with venom dripping from my every word. "Do you understand me?" I say to him. "Yes, my prince" he demon says shaking in his very stance. "Good..." I make a portal to Gehenna for him to cross through. "You may leave. Don't cross me again." He scurries through the portal. I make it disappear. Kuro and Ukobach run up to my with my kin and jump onto me. Two of the tiny demons however, keep their eyes on a little girl with a golden horn and beautiful locks. They look at me and I walk over to them. They bow down and I create two collars to go around their necks, I take off their original collars and they shrink down in my hands. I put them around their wrist and put the collars around their neck. The little girl runs over to me and hugs my leg not phased at all by what just happened. I was happy that she wasn't scared of me. I bent down to her and created butterflies and bunnies out of my blue flames she played with them and "Their warm, just like you were when you were holding me!" she said happily before giving me a smile that shone a brightly as the sun. I looked over at the demons with brand new collars around their necks, and nodded. They walked over, to us. "They want to protect you, would you be alright with lookin after them?" She stared at them and they walked over to her. She hugged onto them and nodded happily to take them home. "Papa? Can I?" she asked the man with long hair. He looked at them, sighed, and nodded. She giggled and cuddled into the soft black with white demon and white with black demons. "Their going to need a name....Also, their girls." "Ummmm.... flowers??" she says confused. "How about you name the white with black one Hana and the black with white one Haruka. Hana means flower and Haruka means distant or spring blossom, spring fragrance." says a boy with green hair and a kind smile. " I love it, Thank you Mister Deku." says the little girl. "Well, Lets head back to UA and then we are having a talk about what just transpired." We all nod and get in the car and head back to UA??

/3rd Pov/

They arrive their and head into Nezu's office and their weights Present Mic, Recovery Girl, and of course Nezu. Recovery Girl's eyes flash as well surprising Mic and Nezu. She remembers and is about to say something. Aizawa cuts her off saying "He is going to explain everything, don't worry Recovery Girl." she nods to his statement and then the other adults notice Eri playing with two creature they have never seen. "He will explain that too." Aizawa says. He motions to Rin to sit down and start talking. The group of kids sit down and Rin sits as well but has Kuro and Ukobach in his lap. "Well let's start with the fact that I am not from this world. In my world shit hit the fan and I was sent here by someone I question a hell of a lot. I am a demon and things were really bad and ended in that gaping whole in my chest. " Rin finished as Eri cries and runs over to Rin and hugs him, Rin picks her up and puts her on his lap seeing how Kuro and Ukobach moved once they saw her come over. "These demons are my kin, the are perfectly safe." Rin says to create assurance. "Well, I am Nezu. Principal of UA High School. This is a school for Heroes who train to fight villains. The women is Recovery Girl, The man with blonde hair is Present Mic, and the man with black hair is Eraserhead. They are all teachers at this facility. I would like to offer you a spot at UA in class with Eraserhead, you show great potential and promise." says the rat man. "I'm Shota Aizawa and I agree with Nezu. I appriciate you saving Eri as well. You seem talented. What do you say?" says the tired looking man.

/Rin's Pov/

I kind of want to join, they don't seemed scared of me or what I am. Granted they might leave once the know the truth, but let's just see how this goes.  "Sure, why not. This might actually be enjoyable." I say and flash a smile that was as bright as Eri's. The four boys motion to the door and we all walk to the dorm area. This is the start of something brand new. I hope for the best, this time around. 

We walk into a building filled with life yet there is no one here. "Where is everyone else?" I question. "On break, we are on house arrest for going to far while training..... Oh, by the way I'm Izuku Midoriya." says the one with green hair. The one with red hair says "I'm Eijirou Kirishima!" and finishes with a shark tooth grin. "I'm Katsuki Bakugou" says the Pomeranian like person. "I'm Shoto Todoroki" says the half and half guy in a monotone voice. They show me to my dorm after I ask my question and I call Mephesto who stops time in Assiah and heads over to me. He gives me money and other stuff I might need as well as access to his bank account. I won't be an ass and use it all but I still need stuff for my room... He looks around and snaps his fingers and my room looks great. 

The boys walk in and see Mephisto and Rin

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The boys walk in and see Mephisto and Rin. Mephisto bows and takes his leave after hugging Rin "You boys take care of my dear little brother." He walks though his portal before it vanishes. They look confused and amazed, "That is one of my demon brothers, I have an actual fraternal twin, but we don't get along." I say with a laugh. The boys all blushed at the demon's melodic laugh. They never believed that an angel would come to them in the form of a demon. They all left the room and headed down to the common room. 


Hey everybody, hope you enjoyed and same as always let me know things in the comments. Like if I made a mistake, how your day is going, or just something you want to know. I will see you all in the next chapter I post which I have two in progress as of right now so which ever one comes to me first. Bye~!

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