After The Truth Has Been Told

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/Bakugou's POV/

I walked down to the common room with Shitty Hair, Half and Half, Deku, and Rin. I don't know why, but I couldn't come up with a nickname for him. I don't think I will come up with one for him. There is definitely something special about him. I just met him, yet I'm so intrigued to him.

/Midoriya's POV/

While we walked to the common room, I kept glancing at the smaller blue haired boy that was coddling a cat in his arms. "So, Rin who are these creatures that are with you? I noticed them earlier but didn't think that it was the right time to ask." I say to him as we halt in the hallway behind everyone else who kept on walking. The little cat in his arms jumped over to my shoulder and walked around to the other while nuzzling against me. He giggled and said "That is Kuro, he was my dad's familiar before he passed. This little guy here was one of Mephisto's familiars and his name is Ukobach. Mephisto is my brother with purple hair who teleported out of my room." He then smiled so bright that the sun would be jealous to not be able hold and shine as much light as the adorable boy in front of me. 

/3rd POV/

All the boys blushed at his smile and continued walking to the common room.

Once they made it to the common room, they sat on the couch not really knowing what to do. Rin was distracted with playing with his demons as well as Kuro and Ukobach. Until Rin's stomach growled. Everyone turned and looked at him as he turned pink from embarrassment. They laughed and Bakugou stood up and went to the Kitchen. Rin followed him.

/Bakugou POV/

I got up to go to the kitchen and he followed me. I wasn't sure why until he started to help me cook. "You cook?" I ask in astonishment. "Yeah! Why are you so surprised?" He asks with a cute small tilt of the head. "Well, no one really helps with the cooking seeing as they would probably burn down the building... Anyway, Shorty what do you want to eat since we haven't really started that much."  He started putting as he mumbled that he wasn't short and that I was being mean, and I chuckled at his antics. He looked up at me and smiled. "How about curry??" He asked with the same smile on his face. I hum in response, and we continue to cook.

After we finish, we bring the dish out to the common room.

Deku looks at me, with the looks that asks if I poisoned the food, then Shitty Hair asks, "Did you over spice the food!?" I roll my eyes as Shorty giggles.

/3rd Pov/

Rin tells everyone that the food is not over spiced, and they all dig in. They talk about simple things and rant about life. No one really dug into Rin's life knowing that it might bother him. The meal was just peaceful. Rin got up halfway through eating his portion and stood up and went back into the kitchen. He came back out with two small bowl and placed them on the floor with a soft whistle. Two seconds later the little demonic creatures came running towards the bowls. Kuro happily dug in where he was. Ukobach picked up his bowl and sat on the counter and ate there with a fork. The group looked a little shocked before returning to eat their delicious meal. 

After eating they returned to the common room and turned on the TV. Not to long into the tv show, Rin fell asleep. They all blushed at the sleep demon though they all thought he looked like an angel.

Eventually they turned off the TV and brought Rin to his room before returning to there own.
Sorry this took so long and it's very short just got the internet back after the Hurricane. Hope you enjoy!! ❤

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2022 ⏰

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