D1: Chapter 1

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25 September 2021
Dear Diary,

My mom gave me this diary, she told me to "write my secrets and stuff in it". Ugh, like I'd ever let her know my secrets.

I don't really like sharing my secrets.. what if someone were to get ahold of this???

Anyway, I guess if someone did, I should probably tell you about me. Maybe in like 10 years I'll find this again.

I'm Hailey.. I'm 12 and I'm in 7th grade. I just moved to a new town and everything. I'm kinda nervous to go to school. My mom said it would be great for me but I've never liked school really.

Well, I'm kinda liking the diary.. maybe I should write more... UGH, it kinda hurts.

I guess I should tell you what I'm wearing today.

I did get some new clothes because of the new school year but I decided my favorite outfit is a blue crop top, jeans, white socks and of course my favorite shoes..... Rainbow vans!

I've had them for a while, they are my absolute favorite.

Well... I have to go to my first day of school now.. maybe I can bring this with me?

I hope mom doesn't think I like this or something she might pry into my life. >:C

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