D1: Chapter 2

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25 September 2021
Dear Diary,

Well, I took it into school, I wrote a ton down... My memory is thankfully amazing so I could remember alot.... It was a very crazy first day... I guess I can tell you how it went.

I had gotten breakfast and headed to the bus stop. There weren't many kids there besides one girl. I was super nervous to talk to her and she just looked at me chewing her gum before spitting it out on the ground. I didn't want to step on it so I moved a bit away.

The bus finally arrived and I got on. I looked through the rows. Everyone stared at me... I got embarrassed and blushed as I looked through the seats looking for any possible open seat. I finally found one in the back of the bus.

I sat down next to some boy. Right now my school day seems pretty normal, just like any other.
The boy looked at me like he wanted to say something but he was nervous. I could notice his face start to turn red.

He finally built up the confidence to say "Hi", and I nervously said "Hi" back. What was I supposed to say? I'm really nervous anyway..

I stared at my shoes shyly as he began to start a conversation with me.

"Are you new here?" The boy asked lightly smiling as he looked at me still starting down at my shoes.

"Y-yeah I am." I replied, finally looking up at him. He had blonde hair and blue eyes. He was super dreamy. I didn't really notice how he looked either until now.

I started to blush obviously. I didn't want to admit it.. but this love at first sight thing may be true.

He finally popped the question,
"So... What's your name?".

"I'm.. I'm Hailey... What's your name?" I nervously replied anxious to hear his name.

"I'm Eddie! I like your name.. it's pretty cute!" Eddy replied with a smile.

Did he just call my name cute?!?!? I really hadn't got many compliments before.

My blushing didn't get any better as I just turned bright red. He obviously noticed me blushing but decided to ignore it.

I simply replied with, "Thank you".

After a bit of awkward silence Eddie asked me another question, "So.. you might need some help navigating the campus.. I'd be happy to help you."

Eddie... Helping.. me?!?! I couldn't really believe it. I know I just met him but I was already falling for him.

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