D1: Chapter 6

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25 September 2021.
Dear Diary,

I looked at Eddie.

"Uhmm... Hailey.. it's kinda normal here.. and your feet do kinda look.... Nice... I hope it's not too weird for you!"

It's normal?!?!?!?!?!! I was kinda surprised.. a school... Where people like to stare at your feet?

It's kinda odd... I've never had any attention come to my feet. It's kinda nice..and weird at the same time.

I simply blushed and replied with a simple "Okay".

We talked for a bit longer and finally the rest of the students arrived in the classroom.

I saw a few boys and even girls glance at my socks. I knew I'd have to get used to this because I'd have to do this all year.

I sat quietly at my desk and everyone else got into their seats.

It wasn't long before the teacher started teaching. I guess it was kinda normal?

I finally rested my feet on the floor.

I soon felt my sock start to come off... What was happening?!?!

I turned around, a boy with red hair and freckles looked at me smiling as he took my left sock off. What did he think he was doing.

I pleaded with him to give it back. He kept refusing. Eventually I had to get up and I was embarrassed. How was he allowed to get away with this?!?!?

"Give it back! It's my sock" I said not trying to be too loud.

"No, I won't!" The red head boy replied back to me

I sighed as I grabbed his wrist. I dug in his hands for my sock. I finally overpowered him and got my sock back. Now with a small new hole. Yay! He tore part of my sock.

I was kinda weirded out by this but I'm hoping this class goes by fast.

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