Path of Stars

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The chair creaked beneath my weight as I rocked back and forth on its sturdy legs. I sat in the silk robe Faye had left on my bed while I'd been making lanterns in the dining room, carefully watching the door.

I had promised Piper that I wouldn't sulk about my troubles tonight, but I couldn't just stop contemplating how I would fix what I'd done. I needed to apologize and explain myself to her.

I'd retreated to my room long before anyone else, hoping to catch Faye off guard when she finally came in to deliver my dress.

My bottom had become numb from sitting still for almost half an hour, and my feet were growing restless. I stood up and started to pace back and forth.

I tucked my thumbnail between my teeth but didn't bite down as I'd done so many times in previous stressful situations. Adriel would kill me if he saw my nails bitten to their roots. Instead, I teased the idea, leaving me to balance the fine line of self-control.

My heart tumbled when I heard the door unlock. I twisted on my heel, ready to sprint toward the entrance as Faye stepped through. "Faye," I said, reaching out for her before my plans shattered before my eyes.

Adriel stepped inside with a makeup box in one hand, hair products in the other, and a black garment bag tossed over his shoulder.

I dropped my shoulders and sighed. Faye wasn't coming.

"Why do I have this unfortunate feeling that you were expecting someone else?" Adriel said as he placed his tools next to the vanity table. "A certain maid, perhaps?"

I sighed again. "I'm sorry, Adriel. It's wonderful to see you as always—you too, Lux." The small woman hurried inside behind Adriel. I couldn't see Amelia anywhere. "But yeah... I was kind of hoping you were Faye."

Adriel stepped closer to me and pulled me into his embrace. "Don't worry, Willow. She'll be back eventually. She won't be able to resist for long."

"You really think so?" I whispered, pressing my cheek against his warm chest.

Adriel smiled and pushed me away so I could look at him. "I know so. Faye considers you as much a friend as you do her."

I sighed, praying to the spirits that he was right as he guided me toward the vanity table.

Adriel was a great friend. But he wasn't Faye, and he knew that.

Not many words were exchanged between us as he painted my face with makeup inspired by the sun—a specialty of his, as he kept promising.

True to his word, it turned out absolutely stunning. The dress, however, was an entirely different matter.

I scrunched my nose as he revealed the monstrosity.

Thin metal circles had been sewn neatly into the spaghetti straps across my shoulders, forming the illusion of scales. The back was low—so low that the sides didn't meet until it reached the small of my back. At least the front reached just above my prominent collarbones.

"Isn't that a little cold for a Winter Celebration? I asked as Adriel stroked the long, metallic midnight skirt to smoothen any potential wrinkles.

"Don't worry," he said, his eyes glinting with a slight shimmer of mischief that made me nervous. "A light cape is included."

He pulled out the smallest cape I'd ever seen and would likely tear in the faintest wind.

I gave him a skeptical look. "That thing will barely cover the back."

Adriel laughed and handed Lux the dress as he ushered me inside the closet. "That's the entire point, isn't it?" he asked, lowering his voice. "We want to pique the prince's interest so that he'll want to see more. That way, you'll be in control, and I can tell from experience that men secretly love that."

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