A Thousand Worlds

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Alia had been staring daggers at me all morning.

I didn't know what I'd done to deserve her evil stare this time. I'd been cautious throughout the night to steer clear of her, but I had a nagging feeling that she might have overheard Piper's joyous confessions. Still, that should've made Piper the target of her anger—not me.

I rounded the next corner of the endless halls leading me toward the Parlor, clenching my skirt tightly in the heart of my fist.

Evelyn had arranged for us to spend the afternoon drinking tea in the Parlor and engage in meaningless conversation like proper ladies.

I didn't want to go, but only suitors were allowed to attend. So, even though Alia would be there, I knew Caiden wouldn't. That was reason enough for me to join this ridiculous lesson without complaint.

Caiden was the last person I wished to see at the present moment. Between everything I'd said to him in the dressing room and Piper's descriptive stories yesterday, I'd be lost for words at the scarcest sighting of him. It was too soon.

"Are you available?"

A shiver shot through my body at the heated breath grazing the back of my ear.

I instinctively twisted on my heel and found myself standing much too close to Caiden's face. "Caiden," I gasped, stepping back to distance myself from him. "What are you doing here?"

"Asking whether or not you are available," he answered playfully, his hands firmly fixed behind his back and a bizarre smirk on his face.

My heart throbbed painfully at the sight of his smile—as if yesterday had never happened. It made me slightly angry, too.

"I told you yesterday, Caiden," I snapped and turned my back to him. "I have no need for your attention. You should focus on the Trials instead of using me as an excuse to run from your responsibilities."

Caiden skipped carelessly in front of me, blocking the path ahead. "I am not here to run from my responsibilities. However, what you said yesterday provoked a brilliant idea to manifest in my mind."

I stared at him, puzzled and a tad bit curious.

Whenever words like that spilled from his loose mouth, I would usually find myself being whisked away on an adventure beyond my wildest dreams. However, I couldn't let my curiosity win today. For once, I had to honor my promise to the king.

"My apologies, Prince Atlas," I said, curtseying without daring to glance into his hopeful eyes. "Miss Evelyn has invited us for tea in the Parlor, and I'm already unacceptably late. I don't want to further disappoint her by not showing up at all. Your surprise must wait until a different time."

That wasn't exactly true. I would do many unthinkable things to avoid attending this dreadful tea party, but spending the remaining afternoon with Caiden was not one of them.

I stepped to the side, aiming to bypass him, but Caiden blocked my path again, smiling content. "Caiden!" I hissed, annoyed. "I—"

"I am sure Miss Pride will find it in her very forgiving heart to excuse your absence when she and I discuss the day later this evening." My breath caught in my throat when Caiden took my hand and wrapped his arm around my waist to guide me forward. "We must make haste, Miss Aldwyn. Adventure waits for no one."

"Caiden," I gasped as he moved us through the halls, my throat slowly closing at the feel of his touch, my mind spinning with heated thoughts. "Caiden, wait."

I didn't understand how he could appear as if nothing had happened yesterday—as if I'd never said those horrible, hurtful words to him. I didn't understand how he could smile and joke as if I hadn't severed whatever bond may have existed between us.

A Wicked Game [The Crown Saga II] (Under Editing)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن