Alia's Bargain

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It was dark, but I didn't mind it.

It felt like I was floating in a sea of emptiness and serenity. I had no concerns in this silence.

There were no responsibilities, no feelings of love or fear, no Crown Trials. I was just drowning in a never-ending ocean of peace.

Then the darkness was disturbed by a spark of orange, but it was gone as quickly as it had appeared. I was surrounded by blackness again, although the atmosphere no longer felt as safe as before.

I closed my eyes again, searching for the sense of peace I'd felt only moments ago.

The image of my family appeared in my mind. Their broad smiles and their arms welcoming me home as I step through the doors to our new home. It dimmed the rising anxiety, but only shortly before another light erased the clarity of my family's faces.

I opened my eyes to see what had penetrated the darkness when Knox's burning eyes pierced mine. I screamed, but no sound reached my ears.

Knox smiled, and a flame burning brighter than the sun engulfed his hand before he reached out to let the fire take hold of my body. I still couldn't scream, but the misery painted across my face as all-consuming colors charred my skin had Knox smile even wider.


I sat up with a start, heaving for air to cool my burning throat.

My skin pricked as if the flames were still scorching my frail human body, but I was no longer in the cool, empty darkness. Instead, I was surrounded by waves of white in a room that had become as familiar to me as my old house.

Strands of hair clung to my damp forehead as my mind desperately tried to convince my pounding heart that the danger was gone. I was in my room, safe from the blaze of Knox's wrath.


I cringed and looked to my left, still huffing from the vivid horrors my treacherous mind had devised to torture me.

"Caiden?" I whispered, my voice hoarse.

Caiden was sitting in the chair where I'd spent endless hours reading to escape my current reality. He looked like he'd barely been sleeping.

His white dress shirt had been unbuttoned halfway down his chest, and the cuffs had been opened for his arms to breathe. The tie hung loosely around his neck, and his shoes were lying disoriented around the chair.

"How are you feeling?" Caiden asked and got up to slowly approach the bed. "Does anything hurt?"

I shook my head, lost for words, and too embarrassed to even look at him. He'd seen everything yesterday.

"I, um..." I mumbled, suddenly feeling overwhelmed by the memories of last night. It all still felt so vividly alive in my mind, as if Knox's touch had left a searing trail still lingering on my skin. "I just..."

My hands were shaking. I didn't want Caiden to know where Knox's lips had brushed against my skin, but I couldn't wait for him to leave either. I felt filthier than the time Koa had pushed me into a puddle of foul-smelling mud.

I discreetly raised my hand to my forehead and began rubbing my sleeve against my skin as I struggled to keep the scorching tears from welling up in the corners of my eyes. I didn't want Caiden to see me cry either, but a rogue tear escaped my will.

"Where did he touch you?"

My chest grew tight, and I stopped breathing. My eyes hesitantly found Caiden's and saw the dark veil of rage blackening his eyes.

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