Thirty-Nine || Frowned Upon

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|| Frowned Upon

"It might surprise you to know that some of history's greatest leaders have had to endure some pretty great failures. One you'll recognize from last night's reading failed in business, had a nervous breakdown, was defeated for both houses of congress and lost as Vice President..."

As Jacy listened to Mr. Yukimura go on and realized she hadn't done the reading, she didn't panic because she knew it was President Lincoln just by description. She'd moved seats next to Kira, but she kept looking up to where Stiles was sitting.

It was nice to see him actually in the class again as a real person.

"...before he was finally elected as one of the greatest presidents that this country has seen." Mr. Yukimura went on, "Who was he?"

Stiles raised his hand, shooting Scott a wink.

Mr. Yukimura's eyes trailed the room, looking for the unfortunate student who wasn't paying attention.

And as she absently twirled her pen, it happened to be the ghost whisperer.


This was one of the moments Jacy lived for: Proving teachers' assumptions wrong.

Jacy set down her hand but left her pen between her thumb and forefinger. "President Lincoln, Sir." She wasn't sassy in her tone but instead replied like she would to any teacher.

Mr. Yukimura hesitated, "That's correct."

Scott had turned back in his seat when his phone went off. Reaching for it, he was apprehended.

"Scott," Mr. Yukimura said, "phones off."

Stiles' phone chimmed a moment later, followed by Jacy's, Lydia frantically trying to get ahold of her friends.

"Phones off. Everyone." Just as he was about to move on, there was another phone that went off. "I said phones off!"

"Dad," Kira said, "that was yours."

"Oh." He looked a little sheepish before reaching for his phone. "Um," he checked the message, reading with confusion, "Scott, call Lydia."

Scott exchanged a look as Kira and Jacy did, all four knowing something was wrong.

And more than likely it had to do with Baby Derek.


Lydia patched up Dr. Deaton, Jacy, Scott and Stiles in front of them at the clinic.

Baby Derek had gotten free.

"I don't think he's just younger in body," Deaton said. "I think he's younger in mind, too."

"He didn't recognize either of us." Lydia finished up Doc's arm, sighing. "And he looked like he was scared out of his mind."

"So, if you're a teenage werewolf and you're scared, where do you go?"

"A wolf goes back to its den," Scott said, thinking of where they could find Derek. "But Derek lives in a loft."

"Not when he was a teenager," Stiles countered.

"The Hale House," Jacy said, thinking of the few times she'd been there with Talia and with Derek.

Deaton agreed, "He wouldn't remember the fire. It wouldn't have happened yet."

"That has to be it." Lydia hesitated. "Hold on. Say you do manage to catch up to him. What are you going to say to him? That his whole family is dead?"

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