Another Bad Boy Story: the sequel

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A/N: surprise!! I decided to not let you guys wait so long for the prologue. >>FIRST CHAPTER WILL BE POSTED ON THE 4TH OF JUNE!!<< unless, I decide otherwise. Hope you enjoy it! Love you all! 


It was chaos in the operation room; nurses bustling back and forth following orders to get instruments and more towels, doctors rushing around trying to stop the deadly flow of blood gushing down the young boys throat and other various spots on his tan body. He was unconscious, not because of the anesthesia, no not because of that, it was due to the large amount of blood loss and sleeping pills the boy had consumed.

When he had been brought in and examined, the doctors had deemed him long gone. Unable to be brought back to consciousness, thinking that it would be better to let him go than have him suffer the aftermath of his decisions if he ever recovered. But, upon seeing the broken faces of the boy's friends, they took pity on them and promised to try their best. A stupid mistake they have now realized.

Never give friends or relatives false hope. It would be unbelievably cruel to promise such a thing when the doctors knew there was no chance at recovery.

The boy, Zayn, was in bad shape. He was one of the worst suicide cases they had seen in a long time. Mainly because of the many cuts all over his body, sure to scar him for life, and for the sleeping pills in his system. Twenty. Never had they seen a person take that large amount at the same time.

Who could've led this boy to such extremes? That was the question in the mind of every staff member in the room. If only they knew.

Zayn's heavy breathing pattern, as it had been for the last two hours since he arrived, rocketed up. Shallow, fast breaths were heard in the room, the heart monitor displaying his erotic heart beating, causing the staff to scramble around trying to get it back to normal. Zayn's tan skin, deathly pale under the bright lights, the blood shining brightly against it was not helping the situation.

"We need to it get back to normal or else he's at risk of a heart attack!" A surgeon calls frantically, worry in his voice.

Nurses press towels to his cuts, stopping the flow, the liquid quickly staining the once sterile white cloths. Still on guard, they watch as Zayn's heart beat returned to normal, the machine no longer beeping widely. Relief sweeps through them, they had almost lost him, almost. He was safe.

They let down their guards for a moment. Just one moment. But that was enough time for it to happen. Zayn's heart beat was normal, breathing normal and next thing they know, the elongated beep from the machine was echoing around them, frozen to their spots they stare at the boy under their care. It wasn't until the shock passes seconds later, that they react and go into a full blown panic mode, hurrying and ordering others around trying in vain to safe him. They have to try.

The bitter sound of Zayn flat lining fills the stuffy room.

* * *

A nurse in a white outfit walks slowly down the hallway, clipboard in hand. The only sounds being the soft sound of her shoes hitting the tile floor, and the typing on keyboards from secretaries. She's looking for a specific group of people.

When she spots the group huddled together, tears pouring down their faces, she hesitates. She doesn't want to do this. But it's her job. She can't hide the sympathy and sadness in her muddy brown eyes, or the way her mouth turns down. This never gets any easier.

As the nurse approaches them, the group shoots to their feet looking at her expectantly. As if hoping for her to assure them that their friend is ok. The girls are clutching to the boys closest to them tight grips, makeup smeared all over their red faces. The boys are holding them to their sides, trying to be strong for the girls at their sides.

"Friends of Mr. Malik?"

Does she even need to ask? The nurse has seen them here ever since the young man was ushered in here a few hours ago. He's lucky to have such loyal friends.

"H-how is he?" The curly haired boy asks, voice breaking as he chokes back a sob.

The nurse answers him in a gentle tone, as is expected in these types of cases.

"I'm sorry..."


Did you like the prologue? I missed writing this story. Did you miss it?

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