Ch.2- Two Can Play this Game [Final]

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Well, here it is, the chapter that shouldn't have by any means taken me 9 months to post. I apologize once again and I hope it won't happen again but collage really kicks butt... well, enjoy?

Oh and I'm switching to third person point of view but centering on Niall, I think it'll be better for my writing style and such. That's why I erased the first chapter and am editing. Also, wattpad's having some problems so only part of this chapter might show up, but I can't be sure till I've posted it.


Who the fuck does he think he is?! Just what the hell gives him the right to leave him freaking letters and hope that he will forgive him and- and that everything will be fine in the end?!

Goddammit it!

Niall clutched at his hair in anger and confusion.

It was one in the morning and he had woken up, heart thudding wildly. 

Why was he thinking of going straight to Zayn just to make sure he was okay? Why was he even bothering himself with that bastard? 


Why can't he let go of that part of himself?

The one that wants to make everybody happy. The happy go lucky boy-ish part of himself. The one that thought Zayn truly loved him.

He thought that part of him was gone. Gone the day he decided not to take shit from anyone ever again. He had felt it crumble away, honestly felt as if he was different. But how is it that it's still there?

He paced back and forth in his apartment mumbling to himself while going through different reasons as to why he was wrong. 

Then his thoughts turned to the envelope lying on his bed.

You're a coward, sleeping in the living room instead of your room.

That same damned envelope which contained Zayn's 'real feelings' letter. 

He sneered at the thought of Zayn ever being honest about something like 'love'. No, that bastard wasn't capable of loving anyone. He thrived on hurting people, who was he kidding!

'I never meant to hurt you.'

Of course it was just a game. Even lying in a coma Malik was still toying with him. But Niall wasn't fooled. No, Zayn was truly a fool if he thought he could trick Niall again with something as simple as letters. He'd show him.

Yes. He'd definately show him who was in charge here.

Oh, Niall would play along with this little game. But in the end, it would be he who would have the last laugh.

But first, he would have to find the second letter.

Niall walked back to his room content with his decision. His eyes immediately landed on the envelope. He picked it up and reread it over and over again trying not to laugh at the words Zayn had written. So fake. Such obvious lies. He snickered, it seemed Zayn had no shame when it came to playing. He couldn't believe what a total idiot he had been before. Quickly clinging on to Zayn in desperation to be loved. 

He frowned.

If it hadn't been for Liam, he wouldn't have had to stoop that low. But since Liam had a girlfriend, things between them didn't turn into anything more than friends. However, it was his own fault for not noticing how quickly he and Zayn moved in their relationship, if it could even be called that.

Niall shook his head to clear the anger and betrayal he still felt towards Liam. He didn't need that distraction right now. What he needed was a plan, a simple but effective plan.

His mind a sea of ideas, Niall thought of countless ways to go about the situation. So many to choose from, but he only needed one.

Then, his mind stopped on one.

And he smiled.

Yes. That one was perfect.

Just perfect.

'You're mine Zayn."


An additional note

Dear readers,

Due to the huge time gap between the last posted chapter and now,  a dying motivation to continue this for other reasons - I think it's best to just cut off here.

While I have tried multiple times to resurrect ABBS2, it's quite pointless now to continue to do so. Several reasons besides the ones stated above:

• after all this time, I have looked at the remaining notes for this story, it was going in a very cruel bully like situation that I don't know how I would be able to turn into a proper Ziall 'i love you boo' fic. Also, Liam turned into a giant dick here. Jesus, so many problems.

• My writing style has changed a bit, and having to change the past chapters so there's no 'big' difference is quite a pain to do. Even then, motivation is still low for this.

So, in light of that, I'm officially putting an end to this fic here. While I do apologize for such a long wait before doing this, it's better now than fifty years from now and to keep you all hoping for a new update.

If you'd like to continue this yourself, that's fine with me (credit would be a good thing, thank you lol ). It is a bit emotional to do this, as I hold ideas and stories close to my chest, but it's probably for the best.

So, yes. No more updates and this will be marked as completed. Thank you for reading all this time, so much love to you all and your patience. Thank you.

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