Chapter seven:Anglerfish!

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[Marlin Dory and Ariel have been swimming for so long they finally stopped to rest]
Marlin: Nemo. Nemo.
Dory: Are you gonna eat that? [snoring] ...Careful with that hammer.
Marlin: No, no! What does it say? Dory!
Ariel:*yawns* What's wrong, Marlin?
DORY: Sea monkey has my money...
MARLIN: Wake up! Get up! Come on! Come on!
DORY: Yes, I'm a natural blue...

MARLIN: Get up!
DORY: Look out! Sharks eat fish!
[They all screamed and ran away]
Dory: *coughing*Wow. Dusty.
Ariel:*coughing* Is everyone okay?
Marlin: I think so *gasp* the mask! Where's the mask?
Ariel:[points down] There it goes!
Marlin:No! Not the mask! Get it! Get the mask! [panting]

DORY: [humming] Whoo-hoo! Just keeps going on, doesn't it? Echo! Echo! What are you doing?
MARLIN: It's gone. I've lost the mask.
DORY: What, did you drop it?

MARLIN: You dropped it! That was my only chance of finding my son, now it's gone.
Ariel:Hmmm... Dory I've got an idea!
Dory:I'm listening.
[Ariel whispers to Dory to try something that could cheer up Marlin]
DORY: Hey, Mr. Grumpy Gills. When life gets you down, you know what you gotta do?
MARLIN: I don't want a know what you gotta do.

DORY: [singing] Just keep swimming. What do we do? We swim.
MARLIN: Dory, no singing.
Ariel:She's just trying to cheer you up, Marlin.
DORY: I love to swim! When you want to swim...
MARLIN: See, I'm going to get stuck now with that song now it's in my head!
DORY: Sorry.

MARLIN:Ariel, Dory, do you see anything?
DORY: Aaaaah!Something's got me!
Ariel:What? What is it?!
MARLIN: That was me. I'm sorry.
DORY: Who's that?
MARLIN: Who could it be? It's me.

DORY: Are... Are you my conscience?
Ariel:*laughs* conscience?
MARLIN: Yeah. I'm your conscience. We haven't spoken for a while. How are you?
DORY: Can't complain.
MARLIN: Good. Now, Dory. I want you to tell you see anything?
DORY: I see... I see a light.

MARLIN: A light?
DORY: Yeah. Over there. Hey, conscience. Am I dead?
MARLIN: No, I see it too.
Ariel:So do I.
[Ariel, Marlin and Dory began to swim toward the shining light]
Ariel:Where did it come from?
DORY: It's so pretty.
MARLIN:I'm feeling happy. Which is a big deal for me.
DORY: I want to touch it. Oh!
MARLIN: Hey, come back. Come on back here.
Ariel:Uh guys?
DORY: [singing] I'm gonna get you. I'm gonna get you. I'm gonna swim with you.
MARLIN: I'm gonna get you. I'm gonna be your best friend good feeling's gone.

(the light reveals that it's actually from an anglerfish. Ariel,Marlin and Dory scream and swam away from it, the anglerfish is still chasing them)
MARLIN: I can't see! I don't know where I'm going! The mask!
Ariel:Guys over here!!
DORY: What mask? OK, I can't see a thing.

MARLIN: Oh, gee!
DORY: Hey, look! A mask!
MARLIN: Read it!
(the anglerfish chases Marlin)
DORY: I'm sorry, but if you could just bring it a little closer, I kind of need the light. That's great, keep it right there.
MARLIN: Just read it!
DORY: OK, OK. Mr. Bossy. P'. OK, 'P. Sher...P. Shirley? P not Shirley. The first line's 'P. Sherman'!
Ariel:What in the ocean is P. Sherman?!
MARLIN: P. Sherman doesn't make any sense!
DORY: OK. Second line. '42'.

MARLIN: Don't eat me!
(the anglerfish struggles with Marlin, then accidentally eats him. The light goes out)
DORY: Light, please. The second line's '42 Wallaby Way'!
Ariel:Dory almost has it figured out!
MARLIN: That's great! Speed read! Take a guess! No pressure! No problem! There's a lot of pressure! Pressure! Take a guess now with pressure!
Ariel:You're making her nervous, Marlin!
DORY: 'Sydney'. It's 'Sydney'!
Ariel:Dory, watch out!
Marlin:[pants] I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead, I died, I'm dead.
Ariel:Marlin your not dead, look!
[Ariel points to anglerfish stuck to the diver's mask]
Ariel:You did it,Marlin!
Marlin:No, we did it!
Ariel:You're right,we did it!
Marlin:Whoo-hoo! [singing] We did it! Oh, yeah! No eating here tonight, whoo!
BOTH: Eating here tonight!

DORY: No, eating here tonight. You on a diet
MARLIN: Dory! What did the mask say?

DORY: "P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney". [gasps] I remember what it said! I usually forget things, but I remembered it this time!
Ariel:That's awesome,Dory!
MARLIN: Wait! Where is that?
DORY: I don't know. But who cares? I remembered!
[Anglerfish roars making Marlin Dory and Ariel scream as they swam away continuing their journey]
DORY: P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney. I remembered it again!

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