Chapter thirteen:Nemo Plays Dead

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PEACH: [yawns] Morning. It's morning, everyone! Today's the day!!! The sun is shining, the tank is clean and we are getting out of... [gasps] The tank is clean! The tank is clean!!!!
DEB: But how?
GILL: Boss must've installed it last night while we were sleeping.
NEMO: What're we gonna do?
GILL: What's it say, Peach?
PEACH: [muffled]
GILL: I can't hear you, Peach.
PEACH: The AquaScum 2003 is an all-purpose, self-cleaning... maintenance free salt water purifier... that is guaranteed to even extend the life of your aquarium fish.
[Bloat inflates]
BLOAT: Stop it!!!!
PEACH: The AquaScum is programmed to scan. Your tank environment every five minutes?!
GURGLE: Scan? What does that mean?
[Aquascum scans the fish tank]
AQUASCUM: Temperature, 82 degrees. P-H balance normal.
ALL: Ooh...
PEACH: Nice.
GURGLE: Curse you, Aquascum!!!

BLOAT: That's it for the escape plan! It's ruined!!
Nemo: Then what're we gonna do about--
[Door opens]
ALL: Darla!
GILL: Stay down, kid!!
[Everyone swam to see it wasn't Darla and sigh in relief]
BLOAT: False alarm.
GURGLE: My nerves can't take much more of this.
BLOAT: What're we gonna do when that little brat gets here?
GILL: I'm thinking, I'm thinking.
NEMO: Gill!!! Help me!!!!
GILL: Hold on!! I'm coming!! Swim down!! Come on, kid!! Swim down!!
BLOAT: Everybody jump in!!
DEB: Swim down!!
GILL: That's it!!
SHERMAN: What the?!
ALL: Yay!!!
GILL: Good work!!
[Suddenly Nemo gets scooped out of the water from behind]
NEMO: Gill!!!!
GILL: Nemo!!!
BLOAT: Sharkbait!!!
GILL: Roll, kid!!! Lean!! Lean!! Go to the window!
[Nemo grunts as he pushes the bag trying to get out of the window but the dentist suddenly picked him up and placed him in a container to keep him from moving]
SHERMAN: Whoops! That would've been a nasty fall.
NEMO: Gill!!! Don't let me go belly up!
GILL: Just calm down, Nemo.
NEMO: Don't let me go belly up!!
GILL: You won't go belly up, I promise. You're gonna be okay.
[Suddenly Darla bursted through the door]
ALL: Darla!!!!
[cut to Marlin, Dory and Ariel]
DORY:Do any of these boats look familiar to you?
Ariel:Not really.
MARLIN: No, but the boat has to be here somewhere! Come on, Dory. We're gonna find it.
DORY: I'm totally excited! [yawns] Are you guys excited?
MARLIN: Dory, wake up. Come on!
DORY: Duck!!
Ariel:Duck? What duck?
[They all see a pelican flying towards them]
MARLIN: That's not a duck. It's a pelican!!!
[Marlin and Dory scream as the pelican scooped them in his mouth]
Ariel:*gasp* Oh no! Marlin! Dory!
[As Ariel swam after the pelican she finally managed to catch up to him then got out of the water her mermaid fin transformed into her human legs until she was in her comfy clothes and ran to save her friends.]
Marlin:No!! I didn't come this far to be breakfast!!!
GERALD: [gagging]
PELICAN: Hey, Nigel. Would you look at that?
NIGEL: What?
PELICAN 1: Sun's barely up and already Gerald's had more than he can handle.
NIGEL: Yeah. Reckon somebody oughta help the poor guy.
PELICANS: Yeah, right.
NIGEL: Well, don't everybody fly off at once.
GERALD: [retches]
NIGEL: All right, Gerald, what is it? Fish got your tongue?
[Gerald opens his mouth revealing Dory and Marlin]
Nigel:Love a duck!!!
[suddenly Ariel showed up, angry]
Ariel:Stupid pelican! You could've killed my friends!
[Ariel began to choke Gerald with her hands around his neck as he gagged]
MARLIN: I gotta find my son Nemo!!!
[Ariel lets go of Gerald]
Ariel:Are you guys okay Marlin?
NIGEL: Nemo?! He's that fish!! Y'know the one we were talking about!! The one that's been fighting the whole ocean!! Hey, I know where your son..!
[Nigel watched as Ariel picked up Marlin and Dory then ran away and chased after them]
Nigel:Wait! Come back! Stop!
MARLIN: Keep going, Ariel! He's crazy!!
Ariel:I'm way ahead of you, Marlin!
NIGEL: I got something to tell you!

! [Nigel watched as Ariel picked up Marlin and Dory then ran away and chased after them]Nigel:Wait! Come back! Stop!MARLIN: Keep going, Ariel! He's crazy!!Ariel:I'm way ahead of you, Marlin!NIGEL: I got something to tell you!

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[Everyone suddenly froze in their tracks when something dropped and looked up to see that they were all surrounded by seagulls]
Ariel:Guys, what's going on? Why do I feel scared?
NIGEL: OK. Don't make any sudden moves. Put them inside my mouth if you want to live.
Ariel:Are you crazy?
MARLIN:in your mouth? And how does that make me live?
NIGEL: Because I can take you to your son.
Ariel:You can?
MARLIN: Yeah, right!
NIGEL: No. I know your son. He's orange, he's got a gimpy fin on one side..
Marlin: THAT'S NEMO!!!!
[Ariel accidentally drops Marlin and Nigel was able to catch them in the crowd of hungry seagulls]
SEAGULLS Mine! Mine! Mine!
NIGEL: Fasten your seatbelts!!!
Marlin:Wait! What about Ariel?!
Ariel:Go! I'll catch up with you guys!
[Ariel was able to find a boat fast enough to follow Nigel.As she started the boat the seagulls tried to attack her until she drove as fast as she could.]
SEAGULLS: Mine! Mine! Mine!
DORY: Whoo-hoo!!! [laughs]
Ariel:Nigel, watch out for the boat sail!!
NIGEL: Everybody hold on!!!
[Marlin and Dory screamed as Nigel was able to go through the boat sail without getting hurt but the seagulls all got their beaks stuck on the boat sail]
SEAGULLS: Mine! Mine! Mine!
Ariel:Whoo-hoo! Way to go Nigel!
[cut to the dentist office]
[fish scream as Darla taps on the glass aquarium]
BUBBLES: Too loud for me!!!
DARLA: [singing] Twinkle, twinkle little star!!
PEACH: Find a happy place.Find a happy place! Find a happy place!
BARBARA: Darla, you're uncle will see you now.
SHERMAN: All right, let's see those pearly whites.
DARLA: [roars] I'm a piranha. They're in the Amazon.
SHERMAN: And a piranha's a fish, just like your present!
DARLA: [giggling] I get a fishy! Fishy!!
[The dentist picks up the bag to see Nemo was belly up]
DENTIST: Oh, no. Poor little guy.
BLOAT: He's dead!!
GILL: Sharkbait!!!
DARLA Yay! Fishy, fishy, fishy!!
SHERMAN: Must've left your present in the car, sweetie. I'll go and get it.
[As the dentist holds Nemo behind his back
GILL: He's still alive!
PEACH He's not dead!!
BLOAT: What's happening? Why is he playing dead?
GILL: He's gonna get flushed down the toilet!! He's gonna get outta here!!
BLOAT: He's gonna get flushed!!
GURGLE: What a smart little guy!!
GILL: No, not the trash can!!!

BUBBLES: Nemo! No!!!
[Soon Ariel and the others arrived through the window just in time]
NIGEL: Hey. I found his dad!!

MARLIN: Where's Nemo?! Where is he?!
BLOAT: Dentist!!! Dentist!!!
GILL: He's over there!!!
MARLIN: What's a "dentist"! What is that?!
Nigel, get in there!!
NIGEL: I can't go in there!

MARLIN: Oh, yes you can! Charge!!!!

DARLA: [screaming]

SHERMAN: What the...?! Darla, sweetie, look out! Steady!Hold still! Easy! Hold still! It's all right! Nobody's going to hurt you!
[Marlin gasped as he saw his son was belly up with his eyes closed]
[heart beating]
Ariel:Oh no.
DORY: Oh, my goodness.
SHERMAN: Gotcha!! Keep down!
MARLIN: Nemo!!!
NEMO: Daddy?!
SHERMAN: Out with you! And stay out!!
NEMO: Daddy?!
DARLA: Fishy? Wake up!!
DEB: Oh, no!!!

GILL: Quick! To the top of Mt. Wannahockaloogie!!!
DARLA: Why are you sleeping?!
PEACH: Hurry!!!
GILL: Bloat!! Ring of Fire!!!!
DARLA: Fishy!! Get it out!
SHERMAN: Crikey?! All the animals have gone mad! [grunts]
Ariel:Are you okay, sir?
DARLA: [Darla screams] Get it out!!
GURGLE: Smack her in the head!
BLOAT: Go, Gill!
DARLA: Fish in my hair!!
NEMO: Gill.
GILL: Sharkbait. Tell your dad, I said hi.
NEMO: Aah!!!
GILL: Go get him.

SHERMAN: [groans]
BLOAT: He did it!!
BUBBLES: I'm so happy!!

GURGLE: Is he gonna be OK, Gill?
GILL: Don't worry. All drains lead to the ocean.
DARLA: Fishy!!!!
Ariel:You mean Nemo's on his way to the ocean?
Tank gang:Yes!
Ariel:I gotta go tell Marlin and Dory he's alive!Thank you guys for all your help!
Tank gang:Goodbye!

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