Chapter twelve:Arrival to Sydney

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Gill: Look at that. Would you look at that? Filthy! Absolutely filthy! And it's all thanks to you, kid. You made it possible.
(Nemo chuckles)
Gill: Jacques, I said no cleaning!
JACQUES: I am ashamed.
PEACH: Look! Scum angel!
GURGLE: [whimpering]
BUBBLES: Bubbles!! I love the bubbles! [coughing]

DEB: Flo! Has anybody seen, Flo?
PEACH: 9:00, and cue dentist.
Dr. Phillip Sherman: Hello, Barbara. Sorry, I'm late.

PEACH: OK. Here we go.
Dr. Phillip Sherman: Little Davey Reynolds.
PEACH: Walks to the counter, drops the keys..

GURGLE: Bloat, that's disgusting!
BLOAT: Tastes pretty good to me. [burps]
GURGLE: Don't you people realize we are swimming in our own--!
PEACH: Shh! Here he comes.

Dr. Phillip Sherman: What the?!
(the fish hide)

Dr. Phillip Sherman: Crikey, what a state! Oh. Barbara, what's my earliest appointment tomorrow?
BARBARA: 10:00, love.
Dr. Phillip Sherman: Leave it open, would you? I gotta clean the fish tank before Darla gets here.

GILL: Did you hear that, Sharkbait?

NEMO: Yay! He's gonna clean the tank! He's gonna clean the tank! We're gonna be clean!
GILL: Are you ready to see your dad kid?
NEMO Uh-huh!
GILL: Of course you are. I wouldn't be surprised if he's out there in the harbor waiting for you right now.
NEMO: Yeah...
[cut to Marlin, Dory and Ariel inside the whale's mouth]
MARLIN: [yelling and shouting]
DORY: [Dory laughing] Whoo!!! Here comes a big one! Come on, you gotta try this!!
MARLIN: Would you just stop it!?
DORY: Why? What's wrong?
MARLIN: We're in a whale!! Don't you get it!?
DORY: A whale?

MARLIN: A WHALE!! 'Cause you had to ask for help!! And now we're stuck here!!
Ariel:Marlin that's enough! It's not Dory's fault we're in a whale.
DORY: A whale. You know I speak whale.
MARLIN No, you're insane!! You can't speak whale!!! I have to get out!!! I have to find my son!!! I have to tell him how old sea turtles are!!!
[Marlin began to get emotional thinking that there was no other way out of the whale's mouth he suddenly collapsed]
DORY: [whooping] Hey. You OK?
[Ariel and Dory swam towards Marlin who was starting to get depressed so they both comforted him]
Ariel:It's okay, Marlin.
Dory:There, there. It's all right. It'll be OK.
MARLIN: No, it won't.
DORY: Sure it will, you'll see.
Ariel:Yeah, we'll be in Sydney sooner than you think.
MARLIN: No. I promised him I'd never let anything happen to him!
DORY: Huh. That's a funny thing to promise.

Ariel:What do you mean by that, Dory?
DORY Well, you can't never let anything happen to him. Then nothing would ever happen to him... Not much fun for little Harpo.
Ariel:[chuckles] Nemo, it's Nemo Dory.
(the whale stops. Marlin, Dory Ariel noticed )
Ariel:What happened?
MARLIN: What's going on?
DORY: Don't know. I'll ask him. [moos]
Marlin: Dory... Dory?
Dory: What's going on?
[whale roars and everyone covered their ears]
Ariel:What did he say, Dory?
DORY: I think he says we've stopped.
MARLIN: Of course, we've stopped! Just stop trying to speak whale, you're gonna make things worse.
Marlin:What is that noise?
[whale growling]
MARLIN: Oh, no! Look what you did! The water's going down!! It's going down!!
Ariel:I don't think that's supposed to happen!
DORY: Really? You sure about that?
MARLIN: Look, it's already half-empty!!!
Ariel:Looks like it.
DORY: Hmm... I'd say it's half full.
MARLIN: Stop that! It's half-empty!!!
(the whale roars)

DORY: OK, that one was a little tougher. He either said we should go to the back of the throat or he wants a root beer float.
Ariel:He wants us to go to the back of his throat?!
MARLIN: Of course he wants us to go there!!! That's eating us!!! How do I taste, Moby?! Huh?! Do I taste good?!;You tell him I'm not interested in being lunch!!!
DORY: OK. He...
[the whale's tongue goes up, making Marlin and Dory fall, they grab the taste buds as Ariel called for them from the front of the whale's mouth]
Ariel:Dory!! Marlin!!
Marlin: What is going on?!
DORY: I'll check! What..
MARLIN: No!! No more whale!! You can't speak whale!!!

DORY: Yes, I can!!!
MARLIN: No, you can't!!! You think you could do these things but you can't, Nemo!!!
[roaring and whistling]
(Dory lets go)
MARLIN: Dory!!!
(Marlin grabs Dory)
DORY: He says it's time to let go!! Everything's gonna be all right!!
MARLIN: How do you know? How do you know something bad isn't gonna happen?!
DORY: I don't!!!
[Marlin finally lets go as he and Dory fall in the back of the whale's mouth and was suddenly blown out of it's blowhole.]
BOTH: [Dory and Marlin screaming]
MARLIN: [cackles] We're alive!!!
[Ariel appears]
Ariel:Hi you guys!
Dory:Ariel! Your okay!
Marlin:How did you get out?
Ariel:Oh he just let me out straight from his mouth
DORY: Look! Sydney! Sydney! Sydney!! Sydney again!!!
Ariel:We really are in Sydney!
MARLIN: You were right, Dory!! We made it!! We're gonna find my son!!!
Ariel:Hey look!
[Ariel points to the whale as she swam back into the ocean]
Ariel:Bye mr Whale! And thank you!
Marlin:Thank you, sir!
DORY: Wow! I wish I could speak whale.
MARLIN: OK. All we gotta do is find the boat that took him.
DORY/Ariel: Right!
MARLIN: Come on Dory and Ariel. We can do this!
Ariel:Don't worry Nemo, we'll find you!
[Next Morning]

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