Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

“Bold”- TV broadcast
Bold- Computer Program
Normal- America

  For someone who lived in the same house as the rest of my family, I hardly ever saw them anymore because I was so busy with the space race.

  I knew mom was worried about me, she would come into my room every night just before she went to bed to check on me and to give me a hug, even if I was working. We both knew my grades in school were slipping fast, but she’d given up trying to get me to do homework.

  My father, on the other hand, was always yelling at me about something whenever we saw each other. Or he would do that awful passive aggressive stare and sigh of disappointment, so I avoided him at all costs. I could barely stand the thought of leaving the room when my father was home, in fear of him messing with my stuff or breaking my precious work, or me.

  As for my brothers, I had no idea what they were up to anymore. Me and Nada went to the same school, but it was like we were strangers if we were in the same room. Aussie and Zea might as well be on another planet at this point.
But I was feeling good today, my father was at work, and mom was baking in the kitchen.

  “NASA? Power down. We’ll finish up the trajectory later.” I said, closing my notebook. “You too Y/n.”

  “Yes sir.”

Or you could just turn me off forever…

  “Knock that off, Germany's close.” I glared at her before leaving the room.

  I grabbed Wellie on my way out, it was way over due to return, and I was afraid of being accused of stealing Zea’s plushies like I'd done when we were kids. I decided to check his room first. Gently knocking on the door, I waited for a reply.

  The door swung open and I was almost knocked over by the ball of energy wrapping his arms around my waist.

  “Americaaaa!” He giggled in a sing-song voice. “You're aliveeee.”

  “Pfft I've been alive.” I rolled my eyes but couldn't help but crack a smile.

  “Come on! I want to show you something.” He grabbed my arm and dragged me inside.

  All of our rooms were large, and decorated individually. New Zealands was Lord of the Rings themed, and looked like the Shire. It was cozy and green, with rolling hills painted on the walls and a large cushy bed on the back wall. Wooden set furniture, rugby equipment in the corner, and various plushies were about the room. It was cozy and felt full of life. My mom had painted a map of Middle Earth on the ceiling as well. My mom had painted all our ceilings though, mine being the night sky with constellations, Aussies being the Great Barrier Reef, and Nadas being the Northern Lights.

  Zea let go of me to grab something off his windowsill, very carefully he walked it back to show me. It was a small plant, and I couldn't really tell what kind it was.

  “It's a Kōwhai plant.” He beamed. “Mom got it for me because I got all B’s in school this term. She says I have to be very careful with it and help it grow big and strong so it can make pretty flowers.”

  “Wow that's really cool.” I nodded in approval, he smiled even wider and gently put it back on the windowsill.

  “Here, I meant to give this back to you sooner.” I held out the sheep plushie I’d been holding.

  He didn't take it back from me, his smile faded into a frown and he looked like he was going to cry.

  “You… want to give it back to me? But I-I gave it to you, so that it can keep you safe when you go away at night.” A few tears slipped down his blue cheeks.
Oh shit.

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