Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

  I woke up to find all three of my brothers passed out of my bed.

  Zea was curled up in my arms and Canada laid on my back. Aussie was sprawled out like a starfish at the bottom of my bed and had stolen all the covers. Bastard. I smiled at the sight and yawned, stretching slightly but being sure not to wake up Zea who shifted slightly in his sleep. I placed a light kiss on my brother's forehead and looked at his peaceful form for a minute. I was an idiot and a douchebag for leaving them.

  For someone who had one of the most  important days of their life to look forward to, you think I would have had trouble sleeping, but I slept like the dead. If it wasn't for my alarm about to go off in the next five minutes, I probably would have gone back to bed.

  Slowly and carefully, I managed to   sneak off my bed without waking anyone up. I opened my closet and grabbed one of my many suits, changing into it. NASA wasn't in the room, I presumed he was already at the launch site, getting together last minute preparations and informing the news programs of our project. I walked over to the window and looked out, seeing the crowd that had gathered at the launch site, people, new stations, and other countries had come to see the show. I swallowed hard, beginning to feel the nerves kick in. What if this failed? What if the ship blew up? Was this too soon? Maybe we should have run more tests and simulations…

  “Morning mate.”

  I flinched slightly as Australia leaned his arm on my shoulder, giving me a smile and a small laugh at my surprise.

  “Oh haha you scared me.” I rolled my eyes, playfully shoving him off.

  “I don't think I was the one who scared ya.” He nodded his head off to the crowds and then back to me. “You'll be alright, you always are.”

  “Yeah. Yeah you're right. Thanks Aus.” I took a deep breath. “You should probably wake the others and get changed. Take off is coming up.”

  “My pleasure.” He pulled an air horn out of his back pocket (who slept in pjs with pockets- and who sleeps with an airhorn?) and BBRRRRRRRRR.

  Canada and New Zealand sat bolt upright in their beds, looking properly traumatized by my brother's antics.

  “Aussieee!” Zea let out a whine and hopped out of the bed, chasing Australia out of the room, who was laughing the whole time.

  I just smiled and shook my head, it felt so… normal. Canada let out a sleepy yawn and looked like he desperately wanted to go back to sleep. I suspected this was due to late nights working with NASA on my project.

  “You can go back to sleep if you want.” I offered, but he shook his head.

  “I want to be there with you for the launch.” He said, yawning again and rolling out of the bed. “The suit looks good on you big brother.”

  “Thanks. There's a million more like it, but-”

  “But there's only one America.” He finished for me, smirking slightly.

  “Hey!” I faked offense but it ended up in laughter.

  “I'm going to go get ready now. Thank you again for coming back to us.” Canada pulled me into a hug and I held him back.

  “Thanks for not giving up on me.” I responded softly, and I swear I knew he was smiling at my words.


  “Ladies, gentleman, and everyone who has gathered here today...” I spoke into the mic, all eyes were on me, cameras flashed, reporters scribbled down on their notepads, my friends and family nodded encouragingly. “Today we shall make history, as I- The United States of America- have declared that I am sending a man past the stars and straight to the moon.”

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