Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Americas POV


My eyes fluttered open as a fuzzy red and white face came into view, it took me only a few moments to realize who it was.

"Please don't punch me..." I groaned, my hand slowly moving up to touch the bandage that had been wrapped around my head.

I looked around the small room for a few moments, it looked like the inside of a small cabin. I was sitting in a lounge chair near a tiny window, a mini fridge was being used as a small table next to me- littered with first aid supplies.

My gaze shifted back to the girl in front of me. Greenland. She had her usual cross expression and arms folded. Her brown coat was missing, and that's when I realized it was laying on me.

"You sore when you sleep. Its annoying." Gren huffed, looking down at me with disappointment. "Are you sure you can stay conscious this time?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." I muttered, rubbing my pounding head. "What happened?"

"I was out in the woods and saw your dumb ass lying in the dirt. It was so pitiful that I decided to be nice and take you back to my hideout." Gren replied without any enthusiasm.

"Thanks I guess..." I sat up and immediately flopped back down from the pain.

"Here, I have some Advil." She passed me some painkillers and water.

"How long was I out?"

"About three days. It was a pretty bad concussion."

"Three days!?"

"Everyones been on a manhunt for you. Fins been out looking for you in the woods everyday."

"Why didn't you tell him where I was? You have no reason to like me." I asked curiously.

"People only come to these woods when they don't want to be found."

A silence filled the room as I let her words sink in. Looking around the space again I did note that it looked very much lived in. Did she even go to school? Didn't she have any friends? Why did she stay out here?

"You don't get out much do you." I asked sympathetically. "You're alone."

"Fin looks after me when he can. I just don't like living at home anymore. Dads not my favorite." She replied softly.

"I don't get along with my dad either.'' I replied. "After I declared independence he's hated me ever since."

Greenland gave me a small nod of understanding. I had an unsettling feeling we had more in common then I'd realized. Slowly sitting up again, I managed to hold my position.

"Are you going home now?" She asked, moving beside me to pack up the first aid equipment. "You probably should, they've come through the woods twice since you went missing."

"I don't know if I want to face everyone again. USSR won. My lifes over."

"You're fifteen. Get yourself together. Your friends are all working to find and help you. Just... trust me on that." She said, not meeting my eyes.

"Like you know what it feels like to have friends." I scoffed.

"I have a friend!" She yelled abruptly slamming her hands on the table. "His name is Antarctica and he's my best friend in the whole wide world but he gets sick all the time and can't leave the hospital very often so that's why I'm alone all the damn time!"

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