Chapter 48

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I couldn't concentrate on the actual wedding ceremony. They mostly talked about how much they love each other and how they'll try to be the best Alpha and Luna. Their parents also made speeches about them, but I wasn't paying any attention. My mind was elsewhere; not only was there another mermaid here, but Damien had another mate he didn't know about.

Did the Moon Goddess mess up when he paired us up? Jaxon says that Damien personally sent her here to train, and yet Damien doesn't know who he's talking about. Was Damien lying? I may not know much about mates and wolves, but if Damien and I weren't mates, Dante would not want anything to do with me, but not only does Dante want me, but he also tells me he loves me. So who was the other she-wolf? And why was she lying?

A few more people made speeches, but when it was finally over, it was food time. I was so relieved cause I was starving, and so was Eudora.

We moved over to where they had set up tables for everyone. We sat at the table with Damien's cousins and their mates. I sat in the middle between Damien and Amelia. Amelia had been very quiet. I noticed her attention was on Damien's grandmother, who was greeting people. I met her after the ceremony ended. Damien talked to her for a bit while everyone was congratulating Jaxon and Leia.

"You doing okay?" I whispered to Amelia. She was poking her food with a fork. "Is the food bad? You haven't eaten anything."

"No, it's not that." She sighed. "I can't talk about it right now."

I gave her hand a little squeeze. "Okay, let me know when you're ready to return to the cabin."

"Are you okay? Any sign of the Sirena?" She asked. I taught Amelia the word mermaid in Spanish for times like these.

"I'm looking," I said to her, looking around but not trying to make it obvious that I was looking around. I would use Eudora as an excuse to look behind me or even stand up. Finally, out of the corner of my eye, I spotted her. And she was staring right at me.

The shitty part was no phones allowed, so I couldn't communicate with Amelia discreetly. I couldn't whisper either cause these damn wolves had super hearing or whatever it's called. I tapped Amelia on the hand to get her attention.

"What's up?" She asked. She was still staring at Damien's grandmother.

"I found it," I told her, hoping she'll understand.

"Found what?" She asked, not paying any attention to me. I rolled my eyes at her, grabbed her purse, took Damien's note out, and stuck it back in her purse. She looked at it and understood. "Ohh. Where was it?" She asked.

"Right," I said. Amelia looked over discreetly and spotted her.

"Very interesting." She laughed.

It was strange seeing another mermaid. She had my mom's dark skin color and body shape. But her hair was long and black. She also had dark purple eyes, just like my mom. My mom always used contacts to hide hers, though. I don't know why she reminded me of my mom, but they looked similar. Not to mention she was also very pretty.

Is there a way I could talk to her? Ask her a few questions about the mermaids and why she left? But how she stared at me made me think she didn't like me very much. She had to know who I was. The hair was a big giveaway. The only thing I could do was wait and see if I could get her alone.
After the main course, it was time for dessert. Damien's grandma made her famous strawberry cheesecake. I had never had cheesecake before, and I was surprised at how good it was.

"I want another one," Eudora said after she had finished hers. Amelia and I finished ours, so I had nothing to give her.

"Eudora wants more cheesecake," I said to Amelia.

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