Entry #2

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After five days of what felt like endless research with no leads to go on, i've discovered something that I think might have something to do with what I'm trying to figure out, before I left I remembered the weather forecast said that for two weeks it will be a bright sunny sky with a 50% chance of rain on a Thursday, it never said anything about any fog or snowy weather, nothing of the sort, well I was taking a hike just to get some fresh air, when I stumbled across a section of the forest that has been completely covered in fog, due to what the weather forecast said the day before I left, something like this should never happen... Not yet anyway, that is until I noticed the fog had a particular smell, after taking a sniff I realize the fog wasn't fog it all, but smoke acting like fog, I just couldn't believe my eyes "how is this possible?" I wondered, I was planning to go in until I remembered A few things, the first thing being that the sun was about to lower soon, the second thing being I left my bandanna at the campsite meaning if I were to enter the smoky area, the smoke would definitely suffocate me for sure, So I came back to camp so I can take a look at the smoke tomorrow...wish me luck

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